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此乃非商业网站,同时不设会员登入。Non-commercial website, No membership service.

不要连接商业网站,破解网站到论坛来。No links to warez or crack sites in the forums.

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商业网站都陷入典型的左右为难的境地。Business websites are in the classic catch 22 position.

不久前的一天,我浏览一个商业网站,阅读上面的一些文章。I was on a business website the other day and I was browsing some articles.

CC----全球商业网,正式开通,欢迎朋友您的加盟!CC---- Global Business Network, the official opening, welcome friends to join you!

CC----全球商业网,正式开通,欢迎朋友您的加盟!CC ---- global business network, the official opening, welcome to your friends for you!

从那里,你可以赚钱的博客简单辛迪加给你的商业网站。From there, you can make money out of blogs by simply syndicating it to your business' web site.

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最近我甚至收到了一个亲戚的要求让我帮他建一个商业网站,自从他看见我在做什么之后。Recently, I’ve even received requests from a relative to do up his business website after he had seen what I’ve done here.

没有ICP证书,我们不能运营像Google.cn这样的商业网站,因此谷歌在实际性地退出中国。Without an ICP license, we can't operate a commercial website like—so Google would effectively go dark in China.

商业网站,个人网页,网页上不仅包含链接到其他网址是没有资格刊号转让。Commercial web sites, personal web pages, web pages which contain only links to other URLs are not eligible for ISSN assignments.

一个全新的商业网----19347.3199.CC----全球商业网,正式开通,欢迎谢军经理您的加盟!A new commercial network ---- 19347.3199. CC ---- global business network, the official opening, welcome your joining manager HAH!

销售产品的商业网站上与产品有关的信息信不过。Commercial websites that are trying to sell a product cannot be trusted to tell you the truth about issues related to that product.

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是一个商业网站,它聚集了同样的信息,所以可以用所有人的权限进行独立搜索——还是免费的。is a commercial site that aggregates the same information so that you can do a single search across all jurisdictions -- and it's free.

僵尸网络也常常向外分发其他种类的恶意软件和攻击计算机以使商业网站或政府网站断网。Botnets can also be used to distribute other kinds of malware and generate attacks that can take commercial or government Web sites off-line.

而商业网点是城市休闲街的主要组成单元,其业态结构的合理与否将直接决定休闲街的市场地位乃至发展成败。As the main component unit of leisure street, commercial network's format structure will determine whether its development is successful or not.

一个商业网站,它没有涉及这些任何信息,而把重点放在工作经历,综合能力和教育上。LinkedIn, a business networking site, doesn’t touch any of these bits of information, focusing instead on job history, skill set, and education.

很多商业网点都会拒绝将款物转移到诈骗交易高发的一些国家。Many businesses will refuse to transfer money or ship goods to certain countries where there is a high likelihood that the transaction is fraudulent.

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万国商业网的全球化品牌口碑,在得到众多中小企业青睐的同时,更吸引了全世界优质商家关注。The global brand reputation of Busy Trade is popular among many SMEs. Meanwhile, it also arouses the interest of high-quality companies in the world.

国内外关于电子服务质量理论的研究已经有了一系列的研究成果,但主要针对零售网站和商业网站。At Home and abroad, the theory research of electronic service quality has had a series of research results, but mainly for retail and commercial websites.

假如数百万人正在使用移动网络,但他们不买任何东西,大多数商业网站是不会考虑建立移动网络业务的。If millions of people are using the mobile web, but they are not buying anything, most commercial websites would not bother establishing a mobile presence.