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愿救我的神被人尊崇。Exalted be God my Savior!

十一奉献是尊崇神的行为表现。Tithing is an act of worship.

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在耶路撒冷当得尊崇。Et tibi redetur votum in Jerusalem.

茼埘,伊斯兰教乜葙当尊崇“7”。Meanwhile, Islam also very exalt "7".

因此,紫色被道士们所尊崇。Thus, purple is worshiped by Taoists.

也提升了他的妄自尊崇。And increased his sense of self-importance.

上了年岁的人很有声威,遭到尊崇。The older person is very prestige, be respected.

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只有尊崇独一的真神才会蒙福。Worshiping the true God is only way to be blessed.

她觉得,她对爱德华尊崇备至。She felt that Edward stood very high in her opinion.

而这位朋友的死尊崇着这他的罪行。And the death of this friend would sanctify his crime.

皇家家具,至尊生活的尊崇享受。The imperial furniture, the supreme life venerates enjoys.

广受尊崇的普密蓬国王已经在位六十余年。The king, who has reigned for six decades, is widely revered.

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斯德哥尔摩现代而先进,但也尊崇传统。While modern and progressive, Stockholm reveres its traditions.

沙迦汗王建造了泰姬玛哈陵来尊崇他的妻子。The emperor4, Shah Jahan, built the Taj Mahal to honor his wife.

才干知识永属主,独有救主永受尊崇。Knowledge belongs to the Lord, worship and praise to Him forever.

不过,虽然父王倍受尊崇,但这位王子却懦弱且不得人心。But while his father is revered, the prince is feared and unpopular.

我们尊崇独立固执,给它们错误的称号。We deify independence and wilfulness and call them by the wrong name.

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我们大学校长因他的高道德标准而受尊崇。The president of our university is revered for his high moral standard.

所有这些人、教会和宗派都对神尊崇有加。All of these men, institutions, and denominations had a big view of God.

就像是寺庙里的神仙,荧幕上的明星们是被人们尊崇的。Like gods in a temple, characters on the screen are treated with reverence.