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我的围巾长。My scarf is long.

这条围巾是红的。This scarf is red.

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我有一条羊毛围巾。I have a wooly scarf.

蓝松鸦把围巾系上去。Blue Jay tied the scarf.

也许一个包或者一条围巾。Perhaps a bag or a scarf.

这是一条手织围巾。This is hand-woven scarf.

蓝松鸦把围巾系上去。Blue Jay flew in the scarf.

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我不能忍受那些围巾。I can't stand those scarfs.

围巾轻拂着她的脸。The scarf flapped her face.

她佩戴着一条丝绸围巾。She is wearing a silk scarf.

让我看看你的围巾。它很新。Show me your scarf. It's new.

今年流行那种围巾。Those scarfs are in this year.

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她的围巾被油弄脏了。Her kerchief is dirty with oil.

我喜欢那条大围巾。它是红色的。I like that big scarf. It's red!

他脖子上围了一条围巾。She has a scarf around her neck.

他从脖子上解下围巾。He unwound the scarf from his neck.

基蒂有个围巾和溜冰板。Kitty has a scarf and a skateboard.

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人们戴着围巾穿着大衣。People are wearing coats and scarfs.

她用围巾围住脖子。She muffled her throat with a scarf.

她戴上一条长毛织围巾就出去了。She put on a comforter and went out.