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她利用冰箱里零零碎碎碎的东西做了一顿饭。She made the odds and ends in the fridge into a meal!

相信综合方法会打败零零碎碎的方法。Believe integrated approach beats fragmented approach.

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它总是伴着其它零零碎碎的物质向外漂浮。It floated outward and settled into swirls withother bits and pieces.

她一辈子攒了许多零零碎碎的东西,可从来未翻看过它们。She stored every flotsam relic of her life without ever looking at it again.

接下来的一个多月里,零零碎碎的,我大致搞明白了阿森纽斯的生活是什么样子的。In bits and pieces, over the next months, I gathered what Arsenius's life was like.

只有这样,我们可以看到,从上帝的角度来看,所有的一切都是零零碎碎的事情。The only way we can see all stuff as small stuff is to view it from God’s perspective.

这有些零零碎碎的乐器-遮阳棚是竖琴变卖后换来的。There are bits and pieces of musical instruments—the awning came from clarinet values.

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我想我有一些回答,都只是零零碎碎的回答。Well, I think I have several responses, all of which are just maybe pieces of responses.

先买软件、鼠标、鼠标垫等其它零零碎碎的然后再选择电脑。Buy the software, the mouse, the mousepad, and the other bits and bobs, then choose the computer.

她们的信息大多是从与邻居闲话家常,零零碎碎地搜集回来,或者工作时互相交换而来。Most of their information was gleaned from chatting to neighbours or swapping stories while they worked.

批评者称,这种勉强且零零碎碎的购买方式,不但不能恢复市场信心反而使形势恶化.Critics say this reluctant, piecemeal approach is aggravating the situation rather than restoring confidence.

他的两只手在口袋里摸了摸,接着把里面的零零碎碎东西都掏了出来,扔在桌子上。He felt in his pockets and pulled out all that was inside, throwing the handful of bits and bobs on the table.

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可问题是,这仅仅以一些零零碎碎的法规而告终,这些法规没有连贯性,也没有任何保证。The problem, of course, is that you end up with this patchwork of regulations and no consistency or guarantee.

如果您有了一些测试,您或许能够进一步零零碎碎地采用更多其它的测试,但您为什么要这样做呢?If you have tests, perhaps you could adopt more of the other practices in a piecemeal fashion, but why would you want to?

当然同时,这样也能因为零零碎碎的连载而让你厌烦,想快点知道下一步会怎么样。Then again, it can get kind of tiresome to get a story in chopped-up morsels when you already know you want the whole thing.

逛了两年没有去过的文化用品市场买了些零零碎碎的小玩意准备送给那些一堆都赶在三月生出来的朋友们。After then , she walked to the stationery market bought some toys as a present to her friends who are catched their birth in Marth.

斯皮尔伯格的手持摄影机将我们带到了一片混乱环境之中,他超强的剪辑能力为观众创造出了一种零零碎碎、状似马塞克一般的恐惧感。Spielberg's handheld cameras thrust us into this maelstrom, and his superb editing creates from these bits and pieces a mosaic of terror.

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梅道夫的认罪状让人扫兴,因为他明显拒绝与检查官合作,使得留下的线索零零碎碎。Mr Madoff's guilty plea is especially anticlimactic because he has apparently refused to co-operate with investigators, leaving many a loose thread.

直到现在我依旧还写着零零碎碎的文字,自己都不大喜欢了,很多时候,摸着键盘,却什么也打不出来。Until now I still is also writing bits and pieces of writing, oneself all don't like, many times, touched the keyboard, but what also dozen don't come out.

学术界愈发专门化,批评人士哀叹,学生只对他们选择的学科有一些零零碎碎的理解,他们就可以毕业了。Academia has become hyper-specific, and critics lament that undergraduate students are graduating with only a patchwork understanding of their chosen disciplines.