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我向他脱帽致敬。Hats off to him.

向他们脱帽致敬!Hats off to them!

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请向法国脱帽致敬吧。Hats off to the French.

在这儿我可以不脱帽吗?My I keep my hat on here?

我真的要像他脱帽致敬。I really tipped my hat to him.

那个陌生人脱帽致敬。The stranger took his hat off.

我真会向他们脱帽致敬。I really take my hat off to them.

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他们路遇系主任的时候脱帽示敬。They cap when they pass the dean.

当他们经过时他脱帽致敬。He doffed his hat as they went by.

国王出现时,人人脱帽致敬。Everyone uncovered when the king appeared.

他们脱帽向国旗致敬。They remove their hats to honour the flag.

在金子面前,国王也要脱帽。Betoe gold, even kings took off their hats.

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女王出现时,人人都脱帽致敬。Everyone uncovered when the Queen appeared.

信号响时,人人脱帽致敬。Everyone uncovered when the signal sounded.

学生们经过老师跟前时脱帽致敬。The pupils cap when they pass their teacher.

一个真正惊人的改进,向设计团队脱帽致敬!My hat is off to the inventor of this design.

今天,我要向一个老对手——微软脱帽致意。Today, I tip my hat to an old rival, Microsoft.

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我们经过校长面前时总要脱帽以表示敬意。We always capped when we passed the headmaster.

我们在街上相遇时彼此脱帽致意。We capped each other when we met in the street.

向发明这个东西的人脱帽致敬!Hats off to the people involved in inventing this.