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徐闻黎话共有16个声母,49个韵母,8个声调。It has 16 initials, 49 finals and 8 tones.

韵母中的元音对声母系统演变的影响是其表现之一。Affection to initial from vowel is ont of them.

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辉县方言共有声母21个,基本韵母47个,单字调5个。There are 21 initials, 47 finals and 5 tones in Huixian dialect.

嘉兴话的声韵调系统中,有声母31个,韵母42个,声调9个。In its phonetic system, there are 31 initials, 42 finals and 9 tones.

韵母是声母后边的部分,共有38个。There are altogether 21 initials and 38 finals in the modern Chinese.

汉语音节通常由声母、韵母和声调三部分组成。Chinese syllable is usually composed of an initial, a final and a tone.

同一个词的音节内部的声母、韵母和声调应属同一层次。The initial, rhyme and tone in a syllable must belong to the same time level.

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许多语言的声母有清浊对立,并存在共同的发展趋势。Initials are many languages Qingzhuo confrontation, and there is a common trend.

由中古汉语三十六字母到汉越音声母的演变具有规律性、系统性。Sino-vietnamese phonology system keeping up the middle ancient Chinese phonology.

第二节永州土话声母综合比较。The second part is about the comprehensive comparison of the consonants of Tuhua.

“庚韵系庄组声母字”,是汉语语音史研究中无法回避且值得研究的一个课题。So far, only a few scholars have studied "Geng rhyme system Zhuang group initial word".

声调总是标在字母中的原音字母上,不能标在声母上。Tones are marked only on the vowel of each syllable and never on the initial consonants.

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结合现代方言,构拟了声母和韵母系统。Finally, it simulates the consonants and vowels systems according to the present dialects.

结果鼻音化现象较普遍,可存在于普通话的声母、韵母和音节中。Result The nasalization of oral speech sounds occurred in initial, final and the syllable.

古代汉语的声母曾经影响了现代汉语的语音、语汇和汉字形声字。Ancient initial consonants have influence on modem pronunciation, vocabulary and Chinese characters.

古代汉语的声母曾经影响了现代汉语的语音、语汇和汉字形声字。Ancient initial consonants have influence on modern pronunciation, vocabulary and Chinese characters.

株洲县入学习普通话声母有一些难点和失误。The native of Zhuzhou County have some difficulty in correctly pronouncing Standard Chinese consonants.

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当一个音节没有声母而只含有一个韵母时,它可能会引起拼音上书写的混淆。When a syllable with zero initial contains only a vowel, it could cause confusion in phonetic spelling.

中古汉语36声母5音8大系,同系内部的几个声母皆可互转。In ancient and medieval Chinese language, there are 36 consonants belonging to 5 kinds of sounds and 8 systems.

这是说,基础的汉语词汇一般为单音节词,由一个声母与一个韵母结合发声。一共有差不多402个这样的音节组合。The basic Chinese word is monosyllable which consists of a consonant and a vowel. There are about 402 such units.