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一切疑虑现在都烟消云散了。All doubts have now dissipated.

天啊,我真希望这副励志腔调很快就能烟消云散!God, I hope this wears off soon.

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一肚子火气在刀刻斧削中烟消云散。A stomach volume in the finishing woo vanished.

她想象中的幸福霎时全部烟消云散了。All her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment.

知道吗,这真的使我们之间的误会烟消云散了。You know, it really cleared the air for both of us.

耶稣可以让抑郁烟消云散,他会帮助你,治愈你。Christ can lift you out of depression. He can help you.

但因此就期望对希拉里的反对烟消云散就太天真了。Yet it would be naive to expect Hillary-hatred to go away.

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然而,当他飘然起舞时,所有这些不足之处也就烟消云散了。Yet all of these disqualifications evaporated when Astaire danced.

此刻,陈星冰内心的委屈烟消云散,脸上露出甜甜的微笑。At this point, Xing-Bing heart grievances vanished, smile on his face.

你将会很惊讶地发现生活中的小麻烦很快烟消云散。You will be amazed how fast life's little troubles start to disappear.

如果他在和谈上失败了,那么几天内较高的民意测验支持率也会顷刻间烟消云散。If he failed, a few days of good poll numbers would vanish in the wind.

但这也有可能使你的提薪或提升机会烟消云散。But watch it, or you may undermine your chances for raises and promotions.

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我们分享的所有过去和我们所做的一切承诺都烟消云散。All the history we shared and all the promises we made vanished into thin air.

失去希望,即使才华横溢,也会烟消云散,即使筋强骨健,也是行尸走肉。He who used to be brilliant and strong will no longer shine when hope is gone.

在那一刻,紧张的气氛顿时烟消云散,就像气球泄气那样。At that moment the tension went out of the room like air going out of a balloon.

我可以告诉你妈妈吗?”菲儿问,这时候她自己的一切忧虑都由于怜悯波儿而烟消云散了。Can I tell your mother?" asked Phyl, all her own worries lost in her pity for Pearl."

往事如烟,烟消云散,戏子卸妆,洗尽铅华,依旧是两个人生。The past disappear in smoke, actor, makeup, wash plumbic China, still is the two life.

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火山喷发带来了阴森恐怖,但而非丧亲之痛,时而有烟消云散的喜悦。Rather than bereavement, it brought the eeriness, and sometimes the joy, of displacement.

当他以一杆小鸟球结束最后一轮时,那厮严肃气氛也烟消云散。When he finished with a final birdie, any seriousness of the incident gave way to levity.

坎贝尔问道,而当玛兰特斯点头时,他“所有问题随着挥手烟消云散了。Campbell asked, and when Marlantes nodded, he “dismissed my problem with a wave of his hand.