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在古时候,这会让你赢得骑士的封号哩!In old days, this would win you knighthood!

他写博客使用的波斯文和英文,其博客已经被封号关闭。His blogs, in Persian and English, have been suspended.

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那就这么多勋章,西域分王这个封号留着。If I could have one more medal, I would. But I just can't.

她已经证实自己将接受贵族封号。She has confirmed that she will accept the honour of a peerage.

在古时候,这会让你赢得骑士的封号哩!In old days, this would win you knighthood!' exclaimed Mrs Linton.

货时根据集装箱明细单检查封号?Are seal numbers checked against the manifest at time of unlading ?

另外,对存在实据的妈祖早期其他七个封号,亦皆予以查证。As to the other seven early titles of Mazu, we also do textual eriticism.

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如果我真的是一个东方学者或种族主义者,管理员早就把我封号了。If I am really a Orientalist or racist, the administrator already kick me out.

说不定,有一天,别人可能会给我们一个很光荣的封号–佛。Then perhaps one day others would give us the honorary titile of being Buddha.

如果无视警告继续攻击对方,则不经通知直接封号。If you ignore the warning and keep on flaming , you will be banned without notice.

当在玩网游时,他们就不会帮助你,反而会去举报你,然后你就会被封号。When in MMORPG they will not help you and will report you and you will get banned.

“万佛湖”应该说是旅游开发者给它的美丽封号。"Wanfo Lake" tourism development should be said that those who gave it "character.

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我23岁,因为威胁儿童被虚拟农场游戏封号。I'm 23 years old and got banned from a virtual farming game for threatening children.

恺撒的侄子屋大维成为了帝国第一任皇帝,继承了他的奥古司都的名字和封号。Caesar's nephew, Octavian, becomes the first Emperor and takes the name and title of Augustus.

2005年,彭定康晋升英国上议院终身议员,封号为巴恩斯男爵。In 2005, promoted to the House of Lords for life, Mr Chris Patten, Baron title for the Barnes.

要定好规矩并说明好违反它会导致的后果,比如超时或封号。Create rules for behavior and consequences for violating the rules such as a time-out or a ban.

不管怎样,因慈善事业于2008年获得爵士封号的邓永锵对这项业务寄予厚望。Nonetheless, Tang, who was knighted in 2008 for his charity work, has high hopes for this business.

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等集装箱运到尼日利亚的时候,你到码头提货的时候,请把封号通过邮件告诉我们一下。When the container reach Nigeria, you can pick up the goods at port and inform us the number via email.

请注意,如果那家供应商的箱子上的封号和装相单不符,我们将向他收50英镑。Please note with immediate effect suppliers who's box end labels don't match their packing list will be charged £50.

大不列颠伊丽莎白二世的丈夫,维多利亚女王的曾孙,957年,被给与亲王的封号。Husband of Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The great-great-grandson of Victoria, he was given the title Prince in 957.