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第4交响曲缩编谱,为双钢琴而作。Reduction of Symphony No. 4, for two pianos.

为双钢琴而作的第1钢琴协奏曲缩编谱。Reduction of Piano Concerto No. 1, for two pianos.

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为双钢琴而作的第2钢琴协奏曲缩编谱。Reduction of Piano Concerto No. 2, for two pianos.

为双钢琴而作的第3弦乐四重奏缩编谱。Reduction of String Quartet No. 3, for two pianos.

为钢琴四手联弹而作的第9交响曲的缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 9, for piano four hands.

为钢琴四手联弹而作的第10交响曲缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 10, for piano four hands.

为小提琴和钢琴而作的第14交响曲缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 14, for voices and piano.

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为双钢琴四手联弹而作的第13交响曲缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 13, for two pianos four hands.

为小提琴和钢琴而作的第1小提琴协奏曲缩编谱。Reduction of Violin Concerto No. 1, for violin and piano.

为双钢琴四手联弹而作的第4弦乐四重奏缩编谱。Reduction of String Quartet No. 4, for two pianos four hands.

地形图缩编是一项系统性、规范性很强的工作。Topographic map generalization is very systematic and normative.

翌年第四军又缩编为第十七师。The following year and the fourth cut from the 17th Army Division.

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这表明,专家顾问的作品真的很好低缩编。This shows that the expert advisor works really well in low drawdown.

为人声和钢琴而作的第2交响曲中的合唱曲缩编谱。Reduction of the choral score of Symphony No. 2, for voices and piano.

这也是好事,看看缩编和利润某项投资。It is also good to look at the drawdown and profits of a particular investment.

这个团队从2009年起就开始了缩编,那时也解雇了几名员工。The group begun shrinking in 2009 when Berkeley laid off several staff, he said.

为钢琴独奏包括终乐章合唱声乐谱而作的第3交响曲缩编谱。Reduction of Symphony No. 3, for solo piano including a vocal score of the final chorus.

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例如,一家又一家公司相继进行缩编,也许卖出企业。For example, company after company is engaged in downsizing and maybe selling off businesses.

人类的大脑是一个渐进的缩编的事实,一下子就抓住了科学作家凯瑟琳麦考利夫的注意力。The downsizing of human brains is an evolutionary fact that took science writer Kathleen McAuliffe by surprise.

缩编导致的另一个结果是一些大胆的英语语言学院开始在海外设立分校。Another response to this squeeze among some adventurous English-language colleges has been to set up shop abroad.