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美洲野牛在一个温泉附近吃草。Bison graze near a hot spring.

他们用长矛刺死了一头野牛。They stuck a bison with spears.

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这是阿帕,会飞的野牛阿帕。This is Appa , my flying bison.

要想补铁,就找野牛。To get a good dose of iron, try bison.

野牛少了,嫩草没有牛吃了。With fewer bison, grass shoots were not eaten.

皮弗娄牛是奶牛和美洲野牛的杂交品种。Beefalo is a cross between a cow and a buffalo.

野牛镍币开始设计与1911年。The Buffalo Nickle was firstly designed in 1911.

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这些动物是野牛,或者叫美洲水牛。These animals were bison, or American buffaloes.

世界范围内发生于牛,水牛,鹿和野牛。Occurs worldwide in cattle, buffalo, deer and bison.

一对欢乐的野牛,这只公牛真巨大。A happy pair of aurochs. The male one is really huge.

一头欧洲野牛的脑袋相当短小但胡须却很长。An auroch`s head is rather short but with a long beard.

人常说动物凶猛,说狮子杀死野牛的撕咬是多么残忍。When a lion bites a urus, you will say how wild and cruel.

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发狂的野牛是所有的野兽中最危险的。A maddened buffalo is the most dangerous of all the beasts.

非洲野牛是非洲上最成功的食植动物。African buffalo is Africa's most successful animal grazers.

欧洲野牛的毛色是棕色的,但小牛犊的毛色略带红色。Aurochs` hair is brown, but young calves have reddish hair.

现在这里是俄罗斯唯一的欧洲野牛自然保护区。And now this is the only Russian nature reserve for aurochs.

现在,野牛群又增加数以百计千计的数量。Now bison herds have increased to the hundreds of thousands.

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这家餐厅以鲜美多汁的乐野牛排而闻名遐迩。This restaurant is celebrated for their juicy rib-eye steak.

我们旧金山确实有野牛,不过你可能没见过。We do have live bison in San Francisco, if you haven't seen it.

一群秃鹫蹲伏在一具野牛的尸体上。A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.