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在非洲,妇女一直是从事农业的主力军。Women farmers are the backbone of African agriculture.

只有在主力军承受过重压力时才会召来预备部队。The auxiliary units are called in only when the main force has been overtaxed.

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但主要还得依靠在座的年青宗长作为主力军。But mainly must depend upon young compatriots who presents to take the main army.

拜上世纪30年代的经济大萧条所赐,自那以后男性已经不再是劳动力市场的绝对主力军。Courtesy of the Great Recession, men are no longer dominators in the labor force.

他也成为范巴斯滕下国家队的主力军之一,也完成了他的第一次世界杯之旅。He became a regular in Marco van Basten's side and featured in his first World Cup.

当时,比较讽刺的是希腊也被认为是抵抗纳粹的主力军。It is ironic, then, that Greece was in the vanguard of resistance to the Nazis, too.

部队发展到百万之众,成为农民战争中的主力军。Grown to one million units of the public, becoming the main force in the peasant war.

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公安机关作为维护稳定的主力军,积极预防、妥善处置群体性事件,责无旁贷。To handle appropriately group event is an inescapable duty of public security organs.

劳模是企业的财富,是企业安全生产的主力军。The wealth of the enterprise model worker is the main force of enterprise security products.

高等教育是人才培养的主力军,是服务社会的方面军,是科技创新的生力军。College education is the main power to foster talents, to serve society and to create technology.

油价高企时,勘探和生产部门就成为赚钱的主力军。When the price of oil is high, then the exploration and production arms become the main moneymakers.

在历史上,中国劳工曾是建造加拿大太平洋铁路工程的主力军。Historically, Chinese workers provided the main labor force for the building the Canadian Pacific Railway.

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湖北黄冈市华窑中祥窑炉有限公司是国内外知名的华夏工业窑炉的一支主力军。Hubei Huaxia Kiln Stove Industry Group Co. , Ltd. is a well-known kiln stove enterprise at home and abroad.

在高等教育大众化进程中,高等职业教育是主力军,发挥不可替代的作用。In the process of higher education popularization, higher vocational education plays an irreplaceable role.

作为农村金融主力军,农信社肩负着建设社会主义新农村的重要任务。As rural finance main army, agricultural letter society shoulder build socialism new countryside important task.

鉴于进攻端杜兰特的优异表现,以及布鲁克斯的防守思想,这支新的主力军将在进攻和防守端让对手吃尽苦头。With Kevin Durant at the helm, Brooks' defensively-minded squad caused opponents fits on both ends of the court.

只有通过制度创新,农村信用合作社才能真正担当农村金融主力军的重任。Only by innovating its system can the rural credit cooperative play a real role as the mainstay of rural finance.

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经济学家早先预言过,随着女性变得更敢往外闯,她们终有一天会成为劳动力市场的主力军。Economists have predicted before that women would one day dominate the labor force as more ventured outside the home.

高等职业院校大学生是未来生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的主力军。The students in higher vocational college are main forces in future production, construction, management, and serving.

味道甜美外加不会迅速变质的优点,让它们成为商业出口的主力军。These bananas were sweet and tasty and didn’t spoil too quickly, making them eminently suitable for commercial export.