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而他因为教龄长而不会被解雇。He can't be fired due to seniority.

随着年龄、教龄的增长,自己也在不断成长。With age, the growth of seniority, has been the growth of their own.

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作为在宾夕法尼亚州立大学有十年期教龄的教员,他仍在带薪休假。He remains on paid-leave from Penn State as a ten-year faculty member.

我们就会成为一名27年教龄的教师,但每年重复着第一年的故事。We will be that one teacher who is in his 27th consecutive first year of teaching!

教龄我有一个医院管理大学文凭及TESOL认证。I have a College Diploma in Medical Administration and am a Certified TESOL holder.

而不同年龄、学段、学科、教龄和职称的职业倦怠水平相差较大。The standard of burnout of middle teaching section is much higher than primary teaching section.

她是一位有十多年教龄的老师,现在关爱学校教三年级。She has over 10 years of teaching experience and teaches Language Arts to 3rd graders at Guan Ai.

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芭芭拉,一个在圣乔治中学有21年教龄的历史教师,作为辅导教师义务任职于该校。Barbara, a history teacher and 21-year veteran of St. George's, volunteers her services as mentor.

教龄我有辅导少年和成年人的经验。过去我曾教过儿童。I have experience tutoring teenagers and adults , and in the past I've worked with young children.

我的教龄比我愿意做老师的时间还要长,但是我总会主动要求去教授一个大学新生班级。I have been teaching for longer than I care to say, and always offer a course for entering freshmen.

一名高中语言艺术老师,她在凯尔索学区已经有了14年的教龄。McDaniel, a language arts teacher at the high school, has taught nearly 14 years in Kelso School District.

教师在“新课改”中的压力在教龄、教学科目、班级角色以及学校类型等四个方面存在显著差异。But teaching age, teaching subject, role in class and school type had significant influence on teachers' stress.

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文中的“新手教师”特指教学经验较少或者根本没有经验的实习教师或只有一年教龄的在职教师。The novice teachers refer to trainee teachers with few or no teaching experience or teachers with only one-year service.

他们认为,一名拥有30年以上教龄的老师在其职业生涯中会有差不多两万个小时是在使用那些专为儿童设计的家具They believe a teacher will spend an average of 20, 000 hours sitting on furniture designed for children over a 30-year career.

对学骏生心理健康概念内涵的认识不受教龄、班主任工作年限、职称以及学校类别的影响。No effects of participants' age, title, school type on their understanding about mental health standards suggested by theorists.

教师工会早就使得学校取消了绩效工资,教师的薪水几乎完全取决于其学位和教龄。The teachers unions long ago eliminated merit pay, and made teachers’ pay determined almost entirely by degrees and years spent teaching.

其中16年以上教龄教师个人效能感与学生学习的努力、能力、环境影响、教师作用各内外归因都显著相关。The personal teaching efficacy of the teachers who have worked over 16 years is related to the students' external and internal learning attributions.

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初中教师教学效能感在性别、年龄、教龄、学历、所教年级以及所教学科方面均不存在显著差异。Teaching efficacy is not significantly different on gender, age, seniority, educational history, subjects and grade among junior high school teachers.

这位有25年教龄的老教师说,由于他未能发表足够数量的科研论文,去年没有给他提职提薪。The 25-year teaching veteran says he was denied a promotion and pay raise last year because he hadn't published a sufficient number of research papers.

根据问卷调查,教师教龄、文化程度、学校类型对主体教学有效性的影响都与主体教学有效性密切相关。A questionnaire survey shows that teacher's seniority, education degree and types of school are correlative with the effectiveness of subjective teaching.