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函数由头部分和体部分组成。Functions consist of a header and a body.

它没有假定消息中一定有路由头标记。It does not assume that there is a routing header in the message.

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哲罗鱼的精子由头部、中段和尾部组成。The spermatozoon of Hucho taimen consisted of a head, a midpiece and a tail.

现在是认真多变的时间了,如果你有由头到尾跟进这新闻,你现在会知道。Seriously freaky time right now. If you're following the news at all, you now know.

银黑狐的骨胳由头骨、躯干骨和四肢骨组成。The skeleton of a silver fox consists of skull, and bones of trunk and free members.

我好有兴趣知你噶恋爱史,最好由头到尾同我讲一次。I am very interested in your love story before, you'd better tell me a complete story.

向下滑动头灯槽以将其由头灯调整螺丝拆卸。Slide the headlamp bucket downward to disengage it from the headlamp adjusting screws.

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贝氏莫尼茨绦虫由头节、颈节和体节三部分组成,其在形态上有一系列的变化规律。Moniezia benedeni is composed of scolex, neck and strobila, it has a series of changes in the shape.

一场延续2000年的暴力冲突,大家享受以此由头批评总统的快感吧。Love it when conservatives try to blame the president for spikes in violence in a 2000 year old dispute.

由头开始一个新设计的巨大好处是我们可以仔细思考每一个页面,从该页面的角度来考虑每一个细节。One huge benefit with doing everything from scratch is that we can really think through every single page on its own.

当然没有由头到尾的编辑,但是这远比我以前做的视频更多的制作和效果。It is definitely not over edited, but there is far more edits in this one then any of the previous movies I have done.

而且现今只要有一个网络浏览器我们便能在任意设备中打开网站,但要知道,在那些黑莓啊、iPads啊或者笔记本啊什么的上面浏览,都只能算是个由头。Also, the Web can now be found on any device that has a browser—Blackberries, iPads, and laptops are just the beginning.

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“靠,”老婆大人又有了发飙的由头,她把火腿摔在砧板上开始假模假式地把火腿的尾端切割下来,“又一个白痴问题。“Ach, ” she grumbles, heaving the ham onto the counter where she begins fussily carving off the end. “Such a stupid question.

不管什么时候,当一件事情使我反感,我便把它变成一个研究的目标,迫使自己创造性地从中找出某种快乐的由头。Whenever an object repelled me, I made it a subject of study, ingeniously compelling myself to extract from it a motive for enjoyment.

知道大刘心情不好,燕子和小帅带大刘出去散心,并且借着出去买东西的由头把空间留给大刘用来发泄。Know big lius in a bad mood, the swallow and small handsome trip to take big liu out and with good shopping leave space for big liu took to vent.

有经验不假,但毕竟也是失败的经验,也很可能被当作是一种不够成熟的由头。Experience did not leave, but after all, is also the experience of failure is also likely to be regarded as a kind of pretext is not mature enough.

拉拉觉得自己挺聪明,找个由头从大写字台的正面转到侧面,好避开口臭的袭击。Lala think herself a intelligent girl and find a excuse walk away from the frontage of big desk to profile so as to avoid the attraction of badly smell.

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事件是个大骗局,是为了给发动反恐战争提供借口,是为了让侵略阿富汗有个由头。The September 11 incident was a big fabrication as a pretext for the campaign against terrorism and a prelude for staging an invasion against Afghanistan.

艺术家们也不容易,这几年随着当代艺术热,艺术家们就像是羊肉串儿,有各种由头、说辞、理论等名目被架起来烧烤。Artists are also not living an easy life. As the boom of modern arts, they are tortured by various reasons, excuses, theories, and so on, just like mutton roasted on fire.

在戴尔嘎多早期的实验中,植入实验动物脑中电极所接的电线,经由头壳穿出皮肤,再与笨重的电子仪器相接,以便记录数据并施予电刺激。In his early experiments, wires ran from implanted electrodes out through the skull and skin to bulky electronic devices that recorded data and delivered electrical pulses.