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她在聚会上的举止真不成体统。She behaved very badly at the party.

这类事简直不成体统。This sort of thing simply isn't done.

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舞会上穿短裤不成体统。Short trousers are improper at a dance.

舞会上穿短裤不成体统。Short trousers are not proper at a dance.

在公共场合赤身裸体被认为是不成体统的。It's considered improper to be unclothed in public.

用电脑太多,我的字写得不成体统了。My handwriting has gone down with using the computer so much.

他说话的时候,没有去看女人,因为那是不成体统的。He did not look at the woman as he spoke. It would not have been seemly.

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那年月女的到酒店喝酒可不成体统。It wasn't quite the done thing for women to drink in pubs in those days.

共和党的人问题是他们厌恶不成体统的政治上的争斗。The problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the unseemliness of a political brawl.

她甚至要给钢琴的腿穿上布裤子,因为她觉得钢琴光着腿是不成体统的。She even put cotton trousers on the legs of the piano because she thought bare legs were improper.

女总管有些难为情,迟迟没有回答,关上门会见邦布尔先生多少有点不成体统。The lady modestly hesitated to reply, lest there should be any impropriety in holding an interview with Mr.

不了解他们的人以为美国人放纵粗鲁,不成体统,事实上,这是美国人的随便习性。Don't know who they think that americans indulgence rude, decent, in fact, this is the American casual habits.

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如果他练一练他那个不成体统的投篮,再有点稳定性,你可以预测他将每场多拿下8-12分和场均8-14个板。If he developed anything remotely resemblign a shot, and some consistency, you'd see more 8-12 points, 8-14 rebound games out of him.