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这是哈佛大学举办GRE考试的盛况。The scene of the GREs held at Harvard.

漪欤盛哉,这是工作室的盛况。This is the workroom in all its splendor.

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现在,就让我们去看看泡沫红茶的盛况吧。Now, let us look at the event bubble tea bar.

HBO电视台将于本周日晚7点开始直播庆典盛况。HBO will show the event on TV on Sunday at 7 p.m.

有线电视将实况转播开幕式的盛况。The Opening Ceremony will be televised on Cable TV.

爱国旗帜在呆板地展示古代的盛况?Patriotic bunting as a frigid display of archaic pomp?

许多纽约市民在特许船只上观看了这一盛况。Some New Yorkers watched the spectacle from chartered boats.

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我这样的草民怎会有机会知道撒丁岛顶级酒店的盛况?How does a pleb like me know about the best hotel on Sardinia?

体育盛况将令人难以忘怀,全世界将看到伦敦最好的一面。The sporting spectacle will be memorable, and the world will see London at its best.

也因此造就了当时全台33家直营店、27间加盟店的盛况。And soon enough, it expanded to over 33 direct outlets and 27 franchises island-wide.

盛况最空前,是4月15日,这一天被白族人民定为蝴蝶会。The most unprecedented success, is April 15, the day was the Bai people as a butterfly will.

因为1990年曾在苏联呆过几个月,我不难想像当年的盛况。Having spent a few months in the USSR in 1990, I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.

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然而事到如今这种盛况却已是时过境迁了,我们今天的经济完全不同,劳工运动的势力也大不如前了。That is no longer true today. We are a very different economy and a much weaker labor movement.

在这里,从乞巧市购买乞巧物的盛况,就可以推知当时七夕乞巧节的热闹景象。Here, from the city to buy objects event, we can infer Tanabata Festival was a scene of excitement.

然而许多人预计,市场不会回到零售蓬勃发展年代时动辄数以十亿美元计交易的盛况.However, many do not expect a return to the multibillion dollar deals from the boom years of retail.

出口加工区一期封关验收盛况,国务院有关部委领导、江苏省及苏州市主要领导出席。SND-EPZ successfully passed the acceptance examination by the relative state ministries and leaders.

围绕着盛况和庆典,美中不足的一点是,新娘太瘦了。Amid all the pomp and celebration, one of the darker aspects to the wedding was how thin she was too.

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请有意购票者尽快联系我们。我们将和您坐在一起领略比赛的盛况。If you are interested in purchasing your tickets and sitting with us at the congress contact us ASAP.

我在夏天回国述职休假的时候亲眼目睹了上海世博会的盛况,直接体验了“中国馆”的雄伟和“英国馆”的创意。I was most struck by the magnificence of the China Pavilion and the creativity of the UK Pavilion alike.

肖邦将马厝舞曲带入音乐会,并将早期波兰宫廷生活的雄姿与盛况再度展现在人们面前。Chopin will lay horses, and dance to the concert in early life over Poland palace with splendor in again.