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当然这听起来比跋山涉水去找皮肤科医生要容易地多,对不?Sure sounds a lot easier than trekking into the dermatologist, right?

漂洋过海,跋山涉水,不管怎样,人类走到哪里,入侵物种就跟到哪里。Because where humans go, invasives often follow—whether by sea or on land.

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我现在得跋山涉水去找些美国制造的东西。I have to hunt over hill and dale to find something that's made in the USA these days.

我们跋山涉水是否只为感觉你的仇恨?我们虔诚演奏是否只成为游戏中的爪牙?。Did we get this far just to feel your hate? Did we play to become only pawns in the game?

许多人跋山涉水,经过亚洲和欧洲的危险旅程抵达加来地区。Many had arrived to the Calais squatter area after dangerous journeys through Asia and Europe.

看,秋的使者跋山涉水走来,只见她挥一挥衣袖,微风拂过。Of view, the messenger of autumn came saw her simply pass play, the wind blowing through the breeze.

带着GPS导航地图,走进丛林,跋山涉水。You head into the jungle with a GPS and what passes for a map, hiking up hills, down ravines, across rivers.

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为了他们的伟大领袖,他们跋山涉水,不顾疲劳,面临各种艰难险阻而毫无惧色。They climbed mountains, waded rivers, endured fatigue, faced all kinds of danger for the sake of their great leader.

我看到寻求幸福的道路百转千回荆棘密布,我更看到人们披荆斩棘跋山涉水一往无前的勇敢!I saw the road to seek the well-being of one hundred to over a thousand thorns back, I see people indomitable courage!

我和大牛跋山涉水终于来到了美丽的喀纳斯湖。After crossing over mountains and wading through rivers, Daniel and I have finally arrived at the beautiful Kanas Lake.

他说,他在一小队随从的陪伴下,跋山涉水,经历重重困难才穿越边境回到首都。He said that he'd crossed the border and walked over rough country with a small group of companions to get to the capital.

不过,在1978~1993一直由徐振存神父陆续为山区的教友们施行圣事,跋山涉水,历经千辛万苦。From 1978 to 1993, Fr. Xu Zhencun had exercised the sacraments here from time to time over lot sufferings. Only in 2004, Fr.

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一路之上,不仅要跋山涉水,还要时时提防豺狼虎豹的攻击。The master not only should scale mountains and ford streams, but be aware of the attack of the beast like tigers and wolves.

比如说“务必把轮胎牢牢地固定在车上”的提议就是我的老爸查理想出来的,为了在我跋山涉水时不受流砂的威胁,当然,更是为了他宝贝女儿的人身安全。Such as Charlie's idea to put tires on it strong enough to trek through quick sand, for my safety of course. Charlie still worries about me.

多少年,中华健儿跋山涉水、远渡重洋,苦苦追索奥林匹克理想。Year after year, generations of Chinese athletes travelled all the way, across mountains and oceans, to overseas to pursue the Olympic ideals.

我跋山涉水来寻你,却不想在你的屋门前看到一座长满杂草的墓碑,没想到坚硬的石碑上刻着我的名字!I travel over land and water for you, but do not want you in the door to see a grassy tombstone, unexpectedly hard stone engraved with my name!

远来的亲戚、住校的学生等等很多美国人会不辞辛苦的跋山涉水回家过节。Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.

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蜜蜂一向以方向感优秀著称,它们在院里蜂窝很远的花朵上采蜜后,还能够“跋山涉水”地回到家。Bees are typically impressive navigators, able to wend their way home through complex landscapes after visits to flowers far removed from their nests.

我们可以带您去长滩乘坐豪华邮轮观看鲸鱼,去锡安国家公园跋山涉水,或者去纳帕酒庄品尝最好的葡萄酒。We can have you traveling to the Long Beach to see the whales by riding a luxury cruise, hike in the Zion National Park, or taste the best wine in Napa Valley.

她用二十九年的跋山涉水,二十九载不变的一片丹心,诠释了什么是华文教育的光荣。She has experienced an arduous journey in the past 29 years, during which she remains loyal to its highest goal and interprets the glory of the Chinese Education.