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两个朋友形影不离。The two friends were inseparable.

我总是形影不离,与你计议前程。I am always here to plan with you.

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看这一对,形影不离。Look at this pair, always together.

他与他忠心的狗群形影不离。He never apart from his faithful dogs.

而我说,他们是形影不离的。But I say unto you , they are inseparable.

他和他女朋友形影不离。He and his girl friend buddy-buddied together.

呃,从那以后我们就形影不离。Well, from that moment on we were inseparable.

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这两个朋友不论走到哪里都形影不离。The two friends cling together wherever they go.

总统更是和他心爱的黑莓手机形影不离。And the President got to keep his precious BlackBerry.

现在,46天大的牛犊和白形影不离。The 46-day-old calf now follows her wherever she goes.

吉姆和辛迪总是形影不离,而且从来没吵过架。Jim and Cindy are always together and they never fight.

我和朋友形影不离,大家都知道。My friend and I are beginning to be known as a twosome.

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从那以后,他就和马丁内兹形影不离。Since then he had been hanging out with Martinez full-time.

两年的相处让他们如今形影不离。After spending two years together, they are now inseparable.

拉尔夫的体力日见恢复,它跟着贝基在牧场上形影不离。As his strength grew, Ralph followed Becky all over the ranch.

多丽丝和弗洛拉两个形影不离,如胶似漆。Doris and Flora are inseparable. They're like two peas in a pod.

我是洛杉矶的一名摄影师,因此无论我走东到西相机永远与我形影不离。I am a photographer in Los Angeles. I carry a camera everywhere.

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中英在国际事务中近年也是“形影不离”。China and the UK have also been working closely on a global scale.

从那以后,这只印度跑鸭与65岁的海曼先生就成了形影不离的好朋友。Since then, the Indian Runner duck has from 65-year-old Mr. Hayman.

在世界第一件衣服出现后虱子也就和我们形影不离了。So lice have been with us since the world's first clothes were made.