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汤姆和露茜两人近来过从甚密。Tom and Lucy chased around a lot together recently.

那是曾和乐观主义者过从甚密的人。That's a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist.

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海伍德曾与薄家过从甚密,后被发现被毒死在重庆一个酒店房间里。Heywood, a onetime close family confidante who was found poisoned in a Chongqing hotel room.

通过施特拉斯伯格,她认识了剧作家阿瑟·米勒,在一年之后两人就过从甚密。She met playwright Arthur Miller through the Strasbergs, and they become close over a year's time.

悲观主义者吗?那是曾和乐观主义者过从甚密的人。——温切尔。A pessimist? That's a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist. --Walter Winchell.

尤其是他晚年弃官后,在南昌与张位过从甚密。Especially in his late age after his resignation, Tang Xianzu had close relationship with Zhang Wei in Nanchang.

杰克逊据说与黑人穆斯林领袖刘易斯。法拉克汉过从甚密,而刘易斯以反犹太人的言论著称。Jackson was believed to be too close to Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan, who was known for anti-Semitic remarks.

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阿拉伯电视台是阿拉伯世界另一个主要的新闻台,为与王室过从甚密的沙特人拥有,宣称其新闻文化更加客观。Al Arabiya is owned by Saudi interests close to the royal family, and argues that its news culture is more objective.

受邀者说,预计硅谷名人和其他与乔布斯过从甚密的人会出席周日的这个纪念活动。The memorial is expected to be attended by Silicon Valley luminaries and others close to Mr. Jobs, said the invitees.

安吉丽娜一直在欺骗布拉德皮特——根据一项惊人的最新爆料,安吉丽娜和一大串不同的女人过从甚密。ANGELINA Jolie has been cheating on Brad Pitt – with a string of different WOMEN — according to a bombshell new report.

一天,我遇到一个人。这个人和那些风月场中的名媛过从甚密。我问她。One day, I chanced upon one of those men who live habitually on intimate terms with the most notorious courtesans . I questioned him.

事实上,这位参议院,曾以民主党人的身份参加总统和副总统的竞选,现在虽然是一个无党派人士,但仍与其旧主过从甚密。The Senator, who ran for both vice president and president as a Democrat, is now an independent who still caucuses with his old party.

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COM从与杰克逊家庭过从甚密的人那打听得来,这些药片不仅包括止痛药,也有一些抗忧郁的药。quoted a source close to the family as saying the pills included not just painkillers but also antianxiety meds like Xanax and Valium.

最近,中国还因与动用军队镇压平民的缅甸政府过从甚密而招致了类似批评。Recently, China has also been similarly criticized for its close ties to the Myanmar regime, which used force to quell civilian unrest.

但自从他和郭羡妮交往的消息曝光后,就再没有传过他和其它女生过从甚密的绯闻了。Since Deric 's romance with Sonija was exposed to the public, the rumors about his intimate relationship with other girls have disappeared.

一位与大众过从甚密的人士说,大众正与其两个中国合作伙伴之一就是否可能新建一个共同经营的品牌进行谈判。Volkswagen is in discussions with one of its two Chinese partners about the possibility of starting a new jointly-run brand, a person close to the German auto maker said.

韩立相约傲天喝酒,指啸山与日良过从甚密,怕会影响上海的稳定局面,傲天叫敬泉多加留意。Mr. han meet the proud day drink, refers to the noise mountain with good close, afraid will affect the stability of Shanghai, the proud day called JingQuan take more attention to.

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与此同时,英国最高警官也面临新的压力。他与默多克集团高管过从甚密,使人们更加担忧这位澳洲出生的大亨对权力核心所施加的影响。Britains top police officer meanwhile came under renewed pressure over his links to Murdochs executives, adding to concerns about the Australian-born magnates influence in the corridors of power.

据商务部案相关知情人士透露,黄光裕与该案中的政商纽带、思峰律师事务所主任张玉栋过从甚密。According to the Ministry of Commerce case related to informed sources, and Wong Kwong Yu in the case of government and business ties, the director of the think-Feng Zhang Yudong law firm hobnobbing.

与此同时,英国最高警官也面临新的压力。他与默多克集团高管过从甚密,使人们更加担忧这位澳洲出生的大亨对权力核心所施加的影响。Britain's top police officer meanwhile came under renewed pressure over his links to Murdoch's executives, adding to concerns about the Australian-born magnate 's influence in the corridors of power.