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如果你的办公室感觉就像是交通站,不要让它那么吸引人。If your office feels like Grand Central, make it less inviting.

当时交通站的负责人是县委宣传干事李联奎。At that time, the responsible person of the station was Li Liankui, the communication chief.

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另一个影响需求的因素是,设在公共交通站附近的越来越多的便利商店。Another factor affecting demand is the increase in convenience stores located near public mass-transit stations.

刘飞为甩开尾巴就换了交通站,他让宝丰先从后门走,刘飞清楚那些人跟踪的原因。Vlon to tail off in traffic station, he let the world go through the back door, vlon know why those people tracking.

他们被要求在与波士顿堡海峡相邻的北街桥处创造一个水上交通站。They were challenged to create a new water transit station on a site in Boston's Fort Point Channel adjacent to the Northern Avenue Bridge.

为界定城市轨道交通站点的客流辐射区域,提出基于栅格数据的GIS缓冲区算法。A raster-based GIS buffer algorithm is proposed for delimiting the radiation service areas of passenger flow at urban mass transit stations.

坦帕巡警现在使用数码相机在交通站点给市民拍照,然后与数据库中的750万张面部照片进行比较。Tampa patrolmen now use digitalcameras to take pictures of citizensat traffic stops and compare them against a database of 7.5 million mug shots.

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装置可广泛应用于石化、钢铁、电力、纺织、机械、轨道交通站等企事业单位。The unit can be widely applied to enterprises of petrochemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, textile, machinery and track transportation system.

此外,条例还鼓励国家机关、学校、医院、大型商场、交通站场等单位在其建筑屋面安装分布式光伏发电系统。Besides, the rule also encouraged governments, schools, hospitals, big shopping malls and transportation stations to install distributed photovoltaic power generation system.

园区地处交通站点要道,已完成“六通一平”,生产、活配套设施功能齐全,服务完善。The Park is located at traffic arteries and" Six Traffic Clearances and One Balance" has been achieved, ancillary facilities for production and living are complete and services are perfect.

解放上海的战役打响,国民党举起了残忍的屠刀,政治犯一批批被杀害,交通站也被相继破坏。The campaign win initial success of emancipatory Shanghai, kuomintang raised cruel butcher's knife, state criminal is approved one batch be killed, traffic station also is destroyed in succession.