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中国要做到古为今用,洋为中用。Make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.

上述思想古为今用,对今天的改革开放仍有借鉴启迪作用。His views are referable to our reformation and opening to the world.

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古为今用,旧式金融机构的混业经营模式对于我们今天的金融业发展来说并非无所裨益。The past mixed operation model is an enlightenment for the development of today's banking.

为发掘传统技术,将起到古为今用的作用。To excavate tradition technology, this will play a role in making the past serve the present.

是嘀,利极了,等着切西瓜、砍甘庶啦,古为今用。Yes, extremely sharp, waiting to chop watermelon and sugarcane , an ancient item used in modern time.

结合中西风格古为今用、灯光恬静动感、豪华精致、犹如步入天堂!Chinese and Western style combined with the historical, dynamic lighting and quiet, refined luxury, as if into heaven!

蹴鞠与休闲生活,古为今用,相得益彰,共同为人类的健康长寿发挥作用。The entertaining function of Cuju serves both the past and the present, and make a great contribution to human being's health.

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所以我们现在以批判和吸收的眼光对待“明人伦”思想、取其精华去其糟粕、古为今用。So we now look towards critical and absorption, "Ming-lun, " thinking of its essence to its dregs, make the past serve the present.

但是,中国画在“洋为中用,古为今用”过程中,越来越丧失民族特色。However, the Chinese paintings in the "foreign used by the Chinese, ancient by today's" process of increasing loss of national characteristics.

进行现代经济理论的创新应从中国传统经济思想中去吸取理论智慧,古为今用,将其融会到现代经济学理论研究的创新中来。A lot of wisdom can be drawn from China's traditional economic thoughts and fused or integrated into the modern economic theories to promote innovation.

中国古代社会是漫长的封建社会,其法律制度的历史具有丰富的内容。遵从“古为今用”之原则,对其中的廉政法律制度进行考察具有现实意义。Ancient china underwent a society with feudalism for thousands of years, developing a legal system which had a long history and gave us an abundant heritage.

我们的传统文化是“史”,产品设计是“今”,研究该论题的着眼点在于“古为今用、借古开今。”Our traditional culture is "history", the product design is the "today" , to study the subject, the focus was "past serve the present, through the ancient open today, '.

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探讨荀子的社会正义观,有助于我们理解中国传统文化中的优秀资源,有助于古为今用。A probe into Xunzi's outlook on social justice is conducive to our understanding of the fine resources in traditional Chinese culture and the use of the past to serve the present.

传统的民间装饰艺术不但可以古为今用,适应到现代建筑设计中,而且还能在世界现代建筑设计上取得一席之地。Traditional folk decorative art not only make the past serve the present and adapt to the modern building design, but also the design of modern architecture in the world get a place.

洋为中用,古为今用,探索具有我国民族特色的德育之路,是德育工作者的课题之一。Using good method from foreign countries, from old days, exploring the way of moral education with Chinese nationality characteristics, is one of the task of moral education workers.

我们只有坚持“古为今用,洋为中用”的方针,才能创造为社会主义现代化建设服务的新文化体系。We only insist on the policy of "make the past serve the present, make foreign things serve China", can we create the cultural system for serving the socialist modernization construction.

希望能以古人为师、古为今用,从中吸收有益的营养,从而达到体会传统、发现传统、学习传统的目的。Hope to the division to the ancients for the past serve the present and learned a useful nutrition, to achieve the traditional experience, found that the traditional, learning traditional purposes.