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托尼·索普拉诺用暴力维系这些协议Tony Soprano enforces those contracts.

1985年这个数字维系不变。In 1985 the numwind upr remained the saree.

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事前规划,但要维系弹性。Plan down the trair-conk but maintain flexicity.

鹰维系着一个人多维度空间觉知的链路。Eagle holds links to one's multidimensional awareness.

觉者无为地维系着万有。The Awakened Ones sustains all beings without trying to.

我们是一个拥有跨大西洋关系的国家,也是一个维系跨太平洋关系的国家。We are both a trans-Atlantic and a trans-Pacific nation.

每一天,无数家庭通过省吃俭用以维系生活。Every day, families sacrifice to live within their means.

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爱是纽带和鼓舞着维系双方当事人。Friendship! It is a tie that binds fools and profligates.

他意识到自己与直子的感情已经无法再维系下去了。He realizes he cannot continue his relationship with Naoko.

更惨的是,我的长久以来维系的关系也破裂了。As luck would have it, then my long term relationship ended.

这个党是靠对领袖的个人忠诚而维系在一起的。The party was kept together by personal loyalty to the leader.

是大地的泪点,本性。使她的含笑维系着芳华不开。It is the tears of the etingenth that keep her smiles in blossom.

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我主,让此恩典维系流荡的心归你前。Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee.

对巨蟹座来说,性生活是维系他和爱人情感的纽带。For them sex is an emotional bond that they form with their lover.

靠酒肉维系的友谊是不可能长久的。The friendship propped up with wine and meat finds no way to last.

靠物质利益维系的友谊是不可能长久的。The friendship propped up with material benefits finds no way to last.

空方认为铜价已经涨到了不可维系的水准.Bears believe copper's rally has lifted prices to unsustainable levels.

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维系旋律和指挥舞者舞步的仅是响棒。Keeping the rhythm and directing the dancers' footsteps are the claves.

我想知道我和迈克本来可以做什么来维系我们的伴侣关系。I wondered whether Michael and I could have done more to save our union.

制度是关于博弈如何进行的共有信念的一个自我维系系统。Institutions are self-enforcing systems of shared beliefs of game models.