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或者那已是去年的事了?Or was it a year ago?

这些都是我去年画的。I painted them last year.

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他妻子去年弃世了。His wife died a year gone.

林德去年是第二。Lynd was second last year.

他们去年夏天分隔隔离分袂了。They broke up last summer.

他们去年搬走了。They moved away last year.

他妻子去年弃世了。His wife died a year prior.

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我们去年改建的。We remodelled it last year.

去年我们在那里过冬。We spent last winter there.

他妻子去年弃世了。His wife died a year inside.

去年我买了这辆车。I bought this car tast year.

去年春天解冻得很早。It thawed early last spring.

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去年我去了上海。今年我打算去北京。Last summer I went to Fance.

去年他就拥有五部轿车了。He numbered 5 cars last year.

发出去年分别时的曲调!Of last year's sundered tune!

他去年入了党。He joined the Party last year.

去年,高筒靴就不流行了。High boots went out last year.

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我是去年的6月搬过来的,I moved to the city last June,

去年我被伤的很深。I was gashed deeply last year.

去年,托里和亚历山大来了。Torry and Alexander last year.