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居伊国王和麾下精锐卫队。King Guy and his bodyguard.

萨拉丁和麾下精锐卫队。The Sultan Saladin and his bodyguard.

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他们都是亚历山大麾下的将领。They were four generals of Alexander.

塔兰托的博希蒙德和麾下精锐卫队。Bohemond of Taranto and his bodyguard.

葛莱西安诺这个人好像是奥瑟罗麾下的旗官。Gratiano. This is Othello's ancient, as I take it.

居伊国王和麾下精锐卫队。King Guy of Jerusalem and his bodyguard of hand-picked knights.

后来,他奉命担任启遂将军麾下二级参谋处长。Later, he was ordered to serve again as GSO Grade 2 under Gen Chit Swe.

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他在向戴高乐与雷克勒克麾下的自由法国军队致敬。He's paying tribute to the Free French Forces under De-Gaulle and Leclerc.

太空王曾将无数个世界纳入永恒帝国的麾下。The Space Lord has brought countless worlds under the Eternal Empire's thrall.

多年以来,他们每次与弗格森麾下弟子相逢,多半是惨遭蹂躏。Over the years, they have usually been trampled by Sir Alex Ferguson's players.

卡列洪和赫塞分享了他们首次在何塞•穆里尼奥麾下登场的感受。Callejon and Jese shared their views on their first game coached by Jose Mourinho.

你可以列出一些你觉得无法招至麾下的商业明星,然后邀请他们进入上述委员会。Make a list of superstars that you think is unobtainable and then land one of them.

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卡佩罗麾下的英格兰队让人感觉到真挚的团队精神,这是巨大的改变。Another huge shift with England under Capello is the sense of a genuine team spirit.

至2015年美军希望他们麾下的半数车辆能够实现遥控化。By 2015, America's armed forces want about half their armed vehicles to be robotised.

安德烈公爵在德里萨河岸找到他受命去其麾下任职的巴克思·德·托利。Prince Andrey found Barclay de Tolly , to whom he was sent, on the bank of the Drissa.

皮拉斯见了,就下令麾下骑兵进攻,终于赢了这场战争。When Pyrrhus saw this, he commanded his cavalry to charge, and that won him the battle.

驻扎在北方的某将军麾下的一个团,已经答应让他当旗手。He has the promise of an ensigncy in General ----'s regiment, now quartered in the North.

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在罗布森和之后的路易斯-范加尔麾下,他在诺坎普逐渐成长为一队教练。Under Robson and then Louis van Gaal, he developed into a first-team coach at the Nou Camp.

他麾下的英格兰在世预赛上的防守不失球场次限于和安道尔以及哈萨克斯坦的比赛。His clean sheets in the World Cup have been restricted to games with Andorra and Kazakhstan.

一问之下才得知雷子枫原来也参过军,隶属国军麾下。Ask under just learned that LeiZiFeng originally also saved in army, affiliated under nations.