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我们把汽缸盖给炸掉了。We blowed out a cylinder-head.

开始在汽缸镗的位置。Initial cylinder boring on location.

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需要为汽缸做灌浆或防漏。Caulk or grouting needed in tub area.

开始加固内镗在汽缸上在这位置。Initial skin bore of cylinders on location.

那是部1992年野马六汽缸双门自动波车。It's a 1992 Mustang V6, two-door automatic.

活塞在汽缸内部往复运动。The piston is reciprocating inside cylinder.

这款车使用16汽缸1001马力的发动机。The car carries a 16-cylinder 1001 hp engine.

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下汽缸和轴承座找正。Alignment of bottom casing and bearing seating.

这台引擎的汽缸是用一截煤气管改成的。Its cylinder was just an old piece of gas-pipe.

将引擎汽缸头放在销上。Place the engine cylinder head over the dowels.

从汽缸头盖扣夹上移去控制拉索。Remove control cables from cylinder head cover clip.

填充汽缸的蒸汽将活塞推出。Filling the cylinder with steam pushes the piston out.

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做汽缸平衡时,发现第六缸和第八缸偏弱。Cylinders six and eight came up weak on a cylinder balance.

清洁排气歧管和汽缸头配合面。Clean the exhaust manifold and cylinder head mating surfaces.

移动针盘量规到汽缸套,记录针盘量规上读数。Move dial gauge to cylinder liner record reading on dial gauge.

只要向汽缸中注入更多的蒸汽,蒸汽推动活塞的过程就能不断重复。Put more steam into the cylinder and the cycle can be repeated.

汽缸配三连件,电磁阀,等配件可实现远程控制。It can be remote controlled for cylinder , FRL , solenoid , etc.

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该引擎有两个汽缸盖以每三个汽缸。The engine has two cylinder heads each covering three cylinders.

随着温度逐渐降低,蒸汽凝结成水,在汽缸内留下一段真空。Cooling the steam condenses it into water, leaving behind a vacuum.

燃料系把可燃混合气送进汽缸燃烧。The fuel system sends the air-fuel mixture to the cylinder for burning.