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我不能招架引诱。I can't abide the allurement.

我对浪漫毫无招架之力。I'm such a sucker for romance.

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埃兹拉是位令人难以招架的孩子。Ezra was a very difficult baby.

太多的情感使我们无力招架。Too many emotions cause us to control incapable.

她认为他对女人毫无招架之力。He was, she believes, unusually susceptible to women.

作家完全无力招架评论家。Authors are totally powerless in the face of reviewers.

这使得未命中,躲闪,招架不那么让人痛苦。This makes misses, dodges and parries a lot less painful.

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双武器现在也可以让你招架前方的近战攻击。Dual Wield now also allows you to parry frontal melee attacks.

在每一次正式辩论前,鲍勃和迈克不依不饶的挑战令我疲于招架。Bob and Mike wore me out in tough encounters before each debate.

当面对女性投来的关注眼神,这位31岁的后卫怎样招架呢?How does the 31-year-old defender handle attention from the ladies?

开始相信爱情是突然到来、让猝不及防、无力招架的东西。We come to believe that love is something that sweeps us off our feet.

他是闪避的化身、招架的人格化和躲避的神话。He's the epitome of evasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.

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MCVODO偏光镜,为您招架水面的反光,令你轻松出行,舒服垂钓。MCVODO polarizer, reflective surface for you to resist, making it easy to travel, comfortable fishing.

截至目前,袭击次数之多几乎使警方无力招架。By now the number of the attacks in the city was making it almost impossible for the police to keep up.

首先是Gmail的大获成功—在与快速强大的在线电子邮件软件较量中,过去的桌面电子邮件软件毫无招架之力。It started with Gmail’s success —a fast, powerful online email app that beats desktop email apps hands down.

澳大利亚接连四次破门,也门毫无招架之力,最终以7-0的总比分完胜也门。But Australia had no concerns as they slotted four unanswered goals past Yemen to run up a 7-0 aggregate score.

起初她招架着,只是想把他推开,但她越来越难以招架,这么小的孩子居然这么凶悍。At first she fought just to get him off her, but it was a hard fight. Such a small a child to fight so fiercely.

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罗马人的严明纪律和坚强决心使当地人没有招架之力,被迫退入密林。Due to their discipline and resolution, the natives were pushed back into the forests that then covered the land.

首先会检查目标的格档、躲闪、招架和你对他未命中和致命一击的机率。The ability first checks against the mob's chance to Block, Dodge, Parry, and your chance to either Miss or Crit.

如果你没那个能力就没办法招架,所以他肯定是有一手的,因为他有工作要做。You wouldn't be given anything you can't handle so he must be really special, because he has a lot of work to do!