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马策在一篇随笔中写到。Ma wrote in an essay.

他的随笔或许带有陈腐的学究气。His essays can be Oxbridge musty.

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今天,已经撰写了四则“心情随笔”,心情很好。Today, has written four "mood Essay, " a good mood.

我在这篇随笔中似乎自相矛盾,这是可能的。It’s possible that I seem to contradict myself in this essay.

这位女性写了很多的报纸随笔及网上作品。That woman wrote essays for newspapers and online publications.

现在假定你需要就某些主题写几篇文章或随笔。Now, suppose you need to write articles and essays on some topics.

约瑟夫。布罗茨基美籍俄裔诗人和随笔作家。Joseph Brodsky American Russian poet and essayist, b. 24 May 1940, St.

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除了小说,他还创作散文,短剧和随笔。In addition to his novels, creative nonfiction short stories and essays.

在德国三年期间写了大量的随笔和诗歌。Over three years he stayed in Gemany, he wrote a lot of essays and poems.

大概是风用周杰伦的歌名写的随笔吧!Is a song a casual literary note for writing that breeze use the JAY probably!

作为散文艺术的派生和分支,随笔是与人们生活最为贴近的一种文学方式。Essay writing, as a branch of prose, is a kind of literary genre close to life.

这充分说明了,研究随笔和中国现代随笔的烦难。It shows fully that the study of the essay and Chinese modern essay is very difficult.

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作为一位多产作家,奥登也是一位著名的剧作家、词作者、编辑以及随笔作家。A prolific writer, Auden was also a noted playwright, librettist, editor, and essayist.

90年代发表了很多散文随笔,是灵魂纠缠着灵魂。In the nineties, I published many prose and jottings. In those days, my soul entangled itself.

如果有的话,就以这一小点作为短篇故事的出发点,或者用来作为明天随笔的练习。If so, use it as a point of departure for a short story, or for tomorrow's freewriting exercise.

知名的女权主义随笔作家落合惠子也和诺贝尔奖得主大江健三郎一起走在游行队伍的最前面。Keiko Ochiai, a well-known feminist essayist, joined the Nobel laureate at the head of the march.

一旦你确定了主要思路,你就有能力做一些简短的笔记或随笔。Once you have identified the key ideas you are in a position to take some brief notes or jottings.

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姚博士同时以笔名「姚风」和「庄和闲」发表中文诗歌和随笔作品。Further, Dr. Yao publishes Chinese poems and essays under the pseudonyms "Yaofeng" and "Zhuanghexian".

长期的不间断的随笔写作,学生的写作个性可以得到充分发展。Uninterrupted long-term essay writing, students have been writing the full development of personality.

另外,韩少功的散文随笔对鲁迅杂文的思想和方法也有所继承。Moreover, Han Shaogong's prose styled essays have also inherited Lu Xun's essay thought and the method.