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留兰香是多年生草本芳香植物。Metha spicata L. is a perennial aromatic plant.

薄荷和留兰香为薄荷属多年生草本植物。The plants of Mentha haplocalyx Briq. and Mentha spicata L.

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他弯下身去望着沿墙稀稀疏疏地长着的一排留兰香。He bent down to regard a lean file of spearmint growing by the wall.

采用GC分析鉴定所提取的留兰香油的成分。Finally, using way of GC analyses authenticates the extracting spearmint oil.

薄荷和留兰香挥发油成分中含大量单萜类物质。There are large amount of monoterpenes in Mentha haplocalyx Briq. and Mentha spicata L.

非特异性酯酶是芸香科植物精油、留兰香油、香茅油和椒样薄荷油的重要靶标酶。NSE was the target enzyme of Rutaceae oil, Carvacryl oil Citronella oil and Mentha piperita oil.

同时经营留兰香油、大蒜油、山苍子油等其它天然香料和合成香料。We also deal in other essential oils and aromaticals including Spearmint Oil, Garlic Oil, Litsea Cubeba Oil.

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留兰香油可作调味香料,也可开发成系列清凉保健产品和高效低毒的植物杀虫、驱虫制剂,经济效益佳。Spearmint oil can be used as spice, it can be used to produce freshener and low poison pesticide with high economic effect.

因此,加入的东西,如罗勒,茴香,薄荷,留兰香,大蒜和生姜到您的汁可以证明是非常有效。Thus, adding things such as basil, fennel, peppermint, spearmint, garlic and ginger to your juice can prove to be very effective.

总结了红壤侵蚀荒坡地种植留兰香的主要技术措施,并对其生态、经济效益进行了分析评价。The paper summarizes most technical measures for planting spearmint on eroded red soil slope wasteland, and analyzed its ecological and economic effects.

尽管我知道哪种牙线都好用,可还是忍不住去琢磨到底是加蜡还是无蜡,到底是留兰香型还是冬日香型。Although I know that every floss will work well enough, I still can’t help but contemplate the pros and cons of waxed versus unwaxed, spearmint versus wintermint.

留兰香、丝瓜、松叶菊的茎尖或茎段外植体分化芽和它们的试管繁殖的报道尚属首次。Bud formation of stem tips or stem segments of Mentha spicata, Luffa cylindrica, and Mcsembryanthemum sp. and their propagate in vitro are reported for the first time.

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会造成这一个问题是因为薄荷与其衍生物,是一种有效的消化援助,而留兰香,其中包含主要香芹酮,并没有这种功效。This may create a problem because peppermint, with its menthol and derivatives, is an effective digestive aid whereas spearmint, which contains mainly carvone, is not.

同时公司经营薄荷脑、薄荷素油、留兰香油、薰衣草油、椒样薄荷油等天然香料及进口甜橙油、甜橙油萜等产品。At the same time, we deal in menthol crystals, dementholized mint oil, spearmint oil, lavender oil, menthe piperita oil and imported orange oil and citrus terpene and so on.

我司是国际知名的多种天然合成香料的资深供应商,专业生产经营薄荷脑,薄荷素油,留兰香油等。Shanghai GreenLeaf Perfumery Co. , Ltd are an experienced manufacturer & supplier who mainly handle Natural Menthol Crystals. Dementholized Peppermint Oil, Spearmint Oil, etc.