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安妮•莫莉再次哀泣。Anne Murray wailed again.

这哀泣那么配合她们的悲痛。Yet so they mourn becoming of their woe.

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那个城市的女人们哀泣她们的亡人。Women in that town wailed for their dead.

你再不曾伴着哀泣的群鸥,从那苍茫的海口归来!But you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey sea's mouth.

梦中的未来悲恸哀泣,追悼失落的明天。And through the dream the future wept, grieving for the lost tomorrow.

我们看到他们的希望化为泡影,他们的欢乐变成哀泣。We saw their hope turn into a snare, and their rejoicing into weeping.

在这段期间内,家里的布置应该有哀泣的气氛。During this period I will arrange my home to reflect my grief and sorrow.

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这段期间内,家里的布置要有哀泣的气氛。During this period you should arrange your home to reflect your grief and sorrow.

他们没有抱怨土地干旱荒芜,也没有哀泣为何命运把他们安置在这里。They do not complain of this dry, desolate land nor do they bewail the fate that brought them here.

在为肢体的损失哀泣悲伤之后,要珍惜那存留于你的肢体官能及生命力。After you have wept and grieved for your physical losses, cherish the functions and the life you have left.

即使在场有比一般的英国竞选演讲活动更多的哀泣,他们仍在固定的示威活动中忠诚地宣讲着党。They address the party faithful at set-piece rallies , even if there is more ululating than on the average British hustings.

激发那些名望义愤的是,西摩鼓励跨种族礼拜,特别是还涉及到相互拥抱和哀泣的情况。Respectable people were outraged that Seymour encouraged inter-racial worship, particularly given that it involved hugging and ululating.