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君子斗数。The gentleman Dou counts.

君子坦荡荡。A gentleman is calm and poised.

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君子坦荡荡。A gentleman is open and poised.

莲,花之君子者也。Lin, who also spent a gentleman.

则是君子兰一个“君子”的写照。" Clivia is a "gentleman" itself.

所以古之君子必佩玉。So ancient gentleman will wear jade.

但君子爱财,取之有道。But gentlemanly love Choi, to the way.

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君子爱财,取之有道。A gentleman makes money in a right way.

你必须表现得像个君子。You must show yourself as a gentleman.

君子以厚德载物。The gentleman to hold world with virtue.

天行健,君子当自强不息。Day line, gentleman when self-improvement.

地势坤,君子以厚德载物“。Terrain-kun, the gentleman should tenet"."

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人生能有几回搏,君子何须叹离合。Why is it necessary to sigh-off gentleman.

衣服不能使人成为君子。It is not the coat that makes the gentleman.

是故君子诚之为贵。Therefore a gentleman values being of truth.

君子之学,学上帝者。What civilized people learn is God's learning.

未曾开言我心好惨,过往地君子听我言。Angry before I speak, oh listen to me gentlemen.

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君子不器,无所不用其极。Gentleman not machine, resort to extreme measures.

“不,我订的是君子协议,”撒旦说。"No, you have my word as a gentleman," said Satan.

君子疾没世而名不称焉。A gentleman regrets leaving no name when he is gone.