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灭火器在哪里?Where is a fire extinguisher?

买一个灭火器放到室外。Buy a fire extinguisher to keep outside.

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检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间。Check he expiry date for all foam extinguisher.

灭火器是消防用具。A fire extinguisher is a fire-fighting implement.

大台的手提式灭火器放的位置不对。Portable extinguishers in saloon not in position.

手提式灭火器在其位并好用。Portable extinguishers in position and operational.

放在2舱的手提式灭火器够不着。Portable extinguishers in hold No. 2 not accessible.

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此外,氯氟化碳也用于灭火器中。In addition, CFC's are used in fire extinguishers as well.

我们怎样改进引擎、喷雾器和灭火器?How can we improve engines, inhalers, and fire extinguishers?

“灭火器弄的,亲爱的,”大使冷冷地回答。A fire extinguisher, my dear, ' answered the Ambassador drily.

厨房里的手提式灭火器的试验证书过期。Test certificates of portable extinguishers in galley expired.

灭火器,工具箱,四个安全锤。E-clock, 8KG fire extinguisher, vehicle tools, 4 safety hammers.

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你家有灭火器吗?“Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home?” he asks finally.

教学楼配备了许多灭火器。The school building is equipped with a lot of fire extinguishers.

雾状水、干粉、二氧化碳或泡沫灭火器。Water spray, dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, or appropriate.

具有灭火器功能且对人体无害。With fire-extinguisher function, and not harmful for humans body.

更高楼层必需配备消防喷头和便携式灭火器。Fire sprinklers for higher floors and portable fire extinguishers.

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她从飞机上的灭火器中拿出一枚炸弹,启动了定时爆炸装置。She removes a bomb from the plane’s fire extinguisher and detonates it.

他们向警察投掷了鸡蛋,木棍,酒瓶和一些灭火器。They threw eggs, sticks, bottles and a fire extinguisher at the police.

贺某见状急忙劝止,并找出灭火器准备灭火。He quickly discourage a seeing, and to identify fire extinguishers ready.