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即如美德是什么?What is virtue?

容是一种美德。Let is a virtue.

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诚实是一种美德。Honesty is a virtue.

美德常在永不老。Virtue never grows old.

需要得少是一种美德。Less is a kind of virtue.

懿行美德远胜于貌美。Taken virtue than beauty.

美德的报偿即其自身。善有善报。Virtue is its own reward.

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美德是心灵美。She is beautiful in spirit.

恶习渐远,美德渐增。As vice wanes, virtue waxes.

脸红是美德的颜色。Blushing is virtue s colour.

懿行美德远胜貌美。Taken far virtue than beauty.

播种美德者,收获名声。He that sows virtue reaps fame.

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节俭是美德。To practice thrift is a virtue.

爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。The bird is a virtue of mankind.

这位老人具备多种美德。Many virtues meet in the old man.

译〕美德远胜过美貌。Virtue is far fairer than beauty.

美德定将战胜邪恶。Virtue will prevail against evil.

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沙德-桑帕特手段六美德。Shad-sampat means the six virtues.

只推崇这样的美德,容许狂狷。Such virtues only as admit excess.

好吃懒做是一种美德!There is no dinner without an end.