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经过了慈湖陵园,我们情不自禁地走了进去。After Chihu cemetery , we can not help but go inside.

在阴霾天空下,陵园里分外妖娆娇艳的月季。The delicate and charming China rose in the tomb garden.

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整个山头是一座幽雅清秀的公园式陵园。The whole mountain is a fine elegant park-style cemetery.

秦始皇帝陵园的面积有56.25平方公里。The total area of the mausoleum is 56.25 square kilometres.

汉代的合浦陵园在广西省境内。The Hepu Tombs, from the Han Dynasty, are in Guangxi province.

那你说说看当年的陵园是个什么样子。Then, please tell us what the mausoleum looked like originally.

广州先烈路是一条近代纪念性陵园荟萃之路。Guangzhou Xianlie Road is a collection of modern memorial cemetery.

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在去陵园的路上,我看见了石拱门、大宫门。On the way to the Tombs, I saw the Stone Arch, the Great Palace Gate.

陵园内还辟有四平英烈事迹展览馆。There is still the exhibition hall of Siping heroic deed in the cemetery.

这陵园是仿照秦代都城咸阳建造的。The mausoleum was built in imitation of the Qin Dynasty's capital, Xianyang.

秦始皇陵是我国最大的帝王陵园。Qinshihuang Mausoleum is the largest one of Emperor Mausoleums in our country.

同时,大蜀山文化陵园还安排了专车免费接送。Meanwhile, Shushan Culture Cemetery also offers free shuttles for tomb sweepers.

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坠机现场靠近宫濑湖,周围有许多野营地和陵园。Seto crash site near Lake Palace, there are many campgrounds, and around the cemetery.

从此,人们就把这地方叫做“伊金霍洛”,意思是“主人的陵园”。After this, the place was renamed Yikingbolo which means the mausoleum of the great master.

陵园摆放着那些壮烈牺牲烈士们的石像。The park showcased the statues of those martyrs who were killed during the failed uprising.

为三清宫方士占碧云之墓,是一座宏伟壮观的古陵园建筑。Three Qinggong Pik Wan Fang Shi of the Tomb, is a magnificent ancient cemetery construction.

如果他能从荣誉陵园走到挪施涝赫,并从那儿又走回来,那他也能去上学。If he can get all the way across the cemetery to Nussloch and back, he can also go to school.

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边棍因盗窃皇室陵园被判处死刑,董平山开枪把他打死。Side stick was sentenced to death for stealing the royal cemetery, mount Dong Ping shoot him.

在郯城会议上所提出的兴建“徐氏始祖陵园”的宏伟目标。Construction which proposed in the Tancheng conference "Xu first ancestor cemetery" superb target.

今年三月,上海陵园公司组织了一场白领减压墓地游活动。Cemetery companies in Shanghai organized visits to local graveyards for stressed-out workers in March.