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篆书又分为大篆和小篆,是汉字书体发的主要阶段。Seal is divided into Dazhuan and Xiaozhuan, is a Chinese book-an important stage.

两汉时期的碑额是我们研究篆书在两汉时期发展情况的重要资料。It is the important material for us to study the development of the seal script in that period.

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篆书字体优美,至今在人们书法作品中仍喜使用。Seal characters are still widely used in calligraphy due to the gracefulness of their patterns.

额题篆书“岱宗坊”三个金色大字,有标志导向作用。The amount of questions Seal "Daizongfang" three golden characters, there are signs guiding role.

并在尽力收集、研究其篆书作品的基础上,归纳出他篆书的风格特征。It induces the characteristic style of his seal script by collecting and studying his seal script work.

隶书上承篆书遗脉,下开楷书之源,更能体现中国书法的变形与夸张。Li script can embody the deformation and exaggeration of Chinese calligraphy better than any other script.

加之碑派书法的兴起,书家的篆书水平得到很大的提高。Adds the tablet to send the calligraphy starting, the book seal script proficiency to have the very big enhancement.

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文字学家研究篆书偏重于形体的分析,书法家们写篆书则重视艺术的追求。The philologists focus their attention on the analysis of the form of the characters, while the calligraphers on their pursuit of art.

两汉时期的碑额多用篆书书写,习惯性的被称为篆额。During the Han Dynasty, the stone tablet sum which was habitually called the sum of seal script was mostly written with the seal script.

他看到当时狱官的么牌用篆书写很麻烦,就作了改革,化繁为简,化圆为方,又创立一种新的字体。Having observed that the prison officers'writings in the zhuan style were very complicated he decided to simplify them and create a new calligraphy style.

秦泰山刻石镌刻着秦始皇功德铭和二世诏书,由丞相李斯篆书,为国家一级文物,堪称稀世珍宝。Taishan stone engraved with the Emperor Qin Ming merit and II edict by the prime minister Li Si Seal for the state-level cultural relics, called treasures.

展馆外形以古篆书“水”字为原型,以水流动的形状轨迹作为造型主线,点缀以湖北特有的符号——“楚凤云翔”凤凰纹饰,勾勒出一个灵动流畅的内聚性展示空间。The pavilion in the shape of the Chinese character for "water" is decorated by a phoenix pattern, a symbol unique to Hubei. It has wonderful exhibition space.

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书体中喜欢篆书的古朴典雅,尤其追求甲骨文的自然优美和豪迈奔放。Yuan like seal character which is one of Calligraphy forms because seal character is classic and elegant, particularly he pursuit natural beauty and bold oracle.

刘阳作字不择工具,饱蘸浓墨,用隶书笔意作行书,掺以篆书笔法,格调高雅,清新脱俗,随心所欲而不逾矩。Liu Yang has no preference for any tool when writing. He uses a thick-ink-saturated brush to create running-hand works pursuant to the conception of official style.

清代中叶以后,金石考据之学的影响使篆书书法进一步普及。After Qing Dynasty middle period, the inscription on stone tablet and bronze textual criticism studies the influence causes the seal script calligraphy to further popularize.

就在研究古代中国经典作品的同时,丁氏开始对古印玺,甚至是更远古的甲骨文、青铜铭文、篆书产生兴趣。While delved into the ancient Chinese classical works, T'ing became intrigued by the ancient imperial seals and oracle-bone inscriptions, bronze epigraphs and seal calligraphy.

在此系列创作于1983年的作品中,谷文达从他对古代篆书的研究中得到启发,创作出富有撼人美感之馀却令人无法解读的作品。In this series of works painted from 1983 to 1987, Gu draws from his own study of archaic seal scripts to produce aesthetically compelling but in fact thoroughly undecipherable images.

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汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写,例如篆书,隶书,楷书和行书。During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the seal character, offical script, regular script and running script.

汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书、隶书、楷书和行书。During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the seal character, official script, regular script and running script.

汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书、隶书、楷书和行书。During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different scriipt forms, such as the seal character, official scriipt, regular scriipt and running scriipt.