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什么是字体大小?What's the font size?

30号字体?Thirty-point font size?

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字体渲染也很乱。Font rendering was a mess.

Solex字体样本书.Solex Typeface Specimen Book.

我为什么不喜欢这些字体?Why don't I like these fonts?

那就是你最理想的字体大小了。That’s your optimal font size.

样式用于大字体标签。Style for label with large font.

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样式用于小字体标签。Style for label with small font.

更改文字大小或字体。Change the text size or the font.

用大号字体将你的目标打印出来。Print out your goal in big words.

webfonts或局部加载的字体?Webfonts or Locally loaded fonts?

请用12号字体、双倍行距的名目。Be double-spaced in 12 point font.

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是否默认启用bitmap字体?。Enable bitmapped fonts by default?

她的名字用大字体清晰端正地写在名单上。Her name was engrossed on the list.

以固定宽度的字体显示文本。Renders text in a fixed-width font.

字体大小不要小于30号。In a font no smaller than 30 points.

只有缴费的反锯齿字体。Only avaiable for anti-aliased font.

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所有有趣的字体和颜色。All the interesting fonts and colors.

大多数字体是向右倾斜的。Most handwriting slants to the right.

大多数的书写字体都向右边倾斜。Most handwriting slants to the right.