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钓起一条记忆的鱼儿,然后,放生吧。Caught a fish and let it go.

他把他的池塘起名为放生池。He called his pond the Free Life Pond.

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他把他的池塘起名为放生池。He titled his pond the Free Life Pond.

然后他把它带到树林里放生了。Then he took itto the forest and let it go.

然后他把它带到树林里放生了。Then he took it to the forest and let it go.

我们漫无目的地买了一些去放生。Pointlessly, we buy a few to release back into the sea.

一位妇女正在往缅甸仰光的这个湖里给鱼放生。A woman releases fishes into the lake in Yangon, Myanmar.

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它的数量已经翻倍,这也是多亏了野外放生。Its numbers have doubled, also due to reintroduction efforts.

2005年,柬埔寨渔业部门放生一条湄公河巨型鲇鱼。Cambodia Fisheries personnel release a Mekong giant catfish in 2005.

所以回到这里的三文鱼都是我们以前从这里放生的。So the salmon that return here are fish that were released from here.

当牢中难友突然放生大唱起来时,那个看守长吓坏了。When the prisoners burst into song, the prison warden was frightened.

官员们说,这只小鳄鱼很可能是有人放生的小宠物。Officials say the baby gator was probably a pet that someone let loose.

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黄德环叫厨子们把乌龟带去河边放生。Huang Dehuan told the cooks to take the turtle to a river and let it go.

因此晋美林巴非常强烈地建议人们放生动物。So Jigme Lingpa very strongly advised people to save the lives of animals.

今日弟子慈恩寄来一封含有放生支票的信。Today disciple Ci En sent in a letter with a check for releasing of lives.

我们能够把他们带回来让后把他们放生到一个大的区域一形成一个新家。We could bring them back and drop them all in a big area to form a family.

超过一千只幼小的乌龟被萨尔瓦多人在海岸放生。More than 1,000 baby turtles were freed by villagers on the Salvadoran coast.

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审案官并不相信他把那些钱用于买小动物放生。The judge didnt believe he was spending the money to set little animals free.

判官并不相信他把那些钱用于将小动物放生。The judge didn't believe he was spending the money to set little animals free.

他们把放生池里数千条鳝鱼放到江里。Then they took thousands of eels from the pond and released them in the river.