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虽说它并不特别有趣,但是我喜欢它。It wasn't the funniest but I liked it.

我是说,虽说社会观念已经变了…I mean the sociosexual mores have really shifted.

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虽说那将是不愉快的事。And that will be no pleasant sight, " said Baloo ."

虽说非原版,但画质还是很好。Although non-original, but the quality is very good.

虽说公共场所很有趣,全皮扶椅和炉火。Public areas are lovely, all leather armchairs and open fire.

不要怀疑,虽说他们都是无神论者。Dont doubt about this though they state themselves antitheists.

虽说这两个政党剑拔弩张,但是他们并不矛盾。The two agendas sit in tension, but they are not contradictory.

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虽说他很聪明,却不能掩饰他亟于获得赞扬的神情。Though he was clever, he couldn't conceal his eagerness for praise.

小奖没意义——虽说电影学院总是在坚持这些奖项的必要性,但是真的有必要么?No Minor Awards -- The Academy has always resisted this, but really.

曲曲虽说赌博损失了不少,可还是有感恩之心啊!Dance music while gambling losses, but still have a lot of gratitude!

虽说强龙压不过地头蛇,但是你们要知道!Although strong pressure but Long Detou She, however, you need to know!

约翰,虽说是你请客,也用不着对烤鸭和炖牛肉狼吞虎咽呀。But you shouldn t stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew , John.

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虽说还不到口袋大小,但是放在公文包里还是非常合适的。While not quite pocket-size, the Tab is perfect for purses or briefcases.

虽说我不能将这一场面描绘成一片混乱,但也够疯狂的。Although I wouldn't characterize it as a chaos , it's getting pretty wild.

虽说在地上不妨碍,它并没有走动,也没有逃跑的意思。Although not cloggy on the ground, it did not walk, also not flee meaning.

这家火锅城虽说不敢说是正宗的,但都说这儿好。This Hotpot restaurant may not be authentic, but it has a good reputation.

虽说我们的立法者在竞选之后已经累了,但他几乎得不到休息。Though our lawmaker is tired after the campaign, he will have little rest.

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虽说已经时入五月,晚上还是有些凉意。那位大叔身上随意披挂着一件破旧的外套,吸引了我的目光。It was chilly for a May evening, so the man had put on his worn out jacket.

虽说今天的国考和古代的“国考”已经大不相同,但如果叶适还活着,估计还是会抱怨。The exams are different now but Ye would still have much to complain about.

虽说如此,但请注意看下你戴来测量胸围的胸罩的类型。Be careful about the type of bra you wear to take your measurements, though.