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让寒假的无聊生活其乐无穷!Let the boring life of winter fun!

跟它们在一起玩其乐无穷。And they are lots of fun to play with.

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和有梦想的人沟通其乐无穷。Interacting with dream people is a lot of fun.

凌波荡桨,泛舟湖上,其乐无穷。Undulator oar, boating on the lake, Fun for all at.

我们觉得屋子里有宇航员野口聪一作伴一定其乐无穷。We think Astro Soichi would have made a great roommate.

书法摄影与制作,其乐无穷!Calligraphy film and fabrication , an endless enjoyment!

洗澡的时候边玩边学习!其乐无穷!These fun foam tub toys turn bath time into learning time!

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嗯,那儿有个对每个人来说都其乐无穷的溜冰场。Well, there is an ice skating rink which is fun for everybody.

大好河山,尽收相机,与众分享,其乐无穷。Great scenery, all recorded by the share, is a very happy thing.

这是一个快乐向上、其乐无穷的地方,并且充满了深厚的文化底蕴。Just a very upbeat place and a lot of fun, a lot of culture there, too.

大家团聚在一起,喝着美酒,吃着佳肴,看着电视,真是其乐无穷。Everybody together together, drinking wine, eating food, watching TV, it's fun.

笑面人生,其乐无穷,直面人生,其味无穷。Smile noodles life, its joy is endless, keeping noodles life, its flavor is endless.

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首先,不工作,没责任和压力,逍遥自在其乐无穷的感觉没了。First the feeling of no working, no responsibility, no pressure and unfettering has disappeared.

在这样一个日子里,有这样一场在露天、在公园里的演唱会,真是其乐无穷。It’s such a pleasure to have concerts like this out in the open, here in the park, on a day like this.

我专业扎实,看书是我最大的享受,钻研电脑让我感觉其乐无穷。Our professional, read a book is my greatest pleasure, studying computer makes me feel an endless enjoyment.

指挥家腰部细微的轻摇便能使乐师们做出如此震撼的回应,能看到这样的演出,可谓是其乐无穷啊。It was a joy to watch the tiniest flick of the conductor's wrist create such seismic reactions from his musicians.

曾在办公室或是教室弹射橡皮筋的人都知道,那种一张一弛的感觉其乐无穷。ANYONE who has fired a rubber band across the office or classroom will know the joy of storing and releasing kinetic energy.

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在这特殊的日子里,我想说我真高兴,时光没有改变我们的友谊,祝你升日其乐无穷。I want to tell you on this special day that I'm very glad time hasn't changed our friendship any. Hoping your birthday is at.

在此期间,您还能品尝到各式名茶和精美茶食,其乐无穷。At the same time of appreciating the program, You can also taste various famous teas and delicious snacks with endless enjoyment.

如果你经常由衷地欣赏别人,你同时也就会获得别人的赞美,那么你一生都会其乐无穷。If you often admire others unfeignedly , you will obtain others' appreciation at the same time , you will enjoy yourself all your time.