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这些天,我用锻炼来代替打坐。These days, exercise is my zazen.

永远空腹打坐。Always meditate on an empty stomach.

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和尚合掌打坐。Buddhist monk sat with folded palms.

打坐基本上就是坐着。Zazen is basically the center of Zen practice.

这位住持现在正试著教牠打坐。The priest is trying to teach him how to meditate.

每天,有专门分配用来打坐的时间。Each day, there is time designated just for sitting.

在打坐大殿里,我们只用一顶蚊帐。We simply used a mosquito net in the meditation hall.

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他们张嘴就说,‘做做瑜伽、打打坐就好了。’Initially they would say, 'Do some yoga and meditation.

巨浪开始打坐,试图将自己想象为海浪。O-nami sat in meditation trying to imagine himself as waves.

喝完茶之后,即刻回到禅堂打坐。After you drink your tea, hurry back to the Chan hall and sit.

一大早起来,还是一样打坐,照常做修行的课程。That morning, he woke up early and sat in meditation as usual.

刚刚我打坐的时候,玩得多愉快啊!Moment ago I was sitting in meditation, what a happy time it was!

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莫笑道人空打坐,英雄收敛便神仙。Mo smiles were empty meditation, convergence will be immortal hero.

她给他搭建了一个小寮,在他打坐时给他送饭。She had built a little hut for him and fed him while he was meditating.

我们本可以在日本某地的某座寺庙里打坐,或扬帆远航。We could be sitting in a monastery somewhere in Japan. We could be out sailing.

她的丈夫用他的鼓带领我通过打坐凝思,并且送我一本他写的书。Her husband led me through meditation with his drum and gave me a book of his writings.

此外,若是打坐冥想时将金沙石握在手中,更可促进血液轮回。In addition, if meditation will golden sand in his hand, can promote haemal circulation.

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圣人打坐,冥想着现实的本质,超脱于肉身的拖累。He sits completely still, contemplating the nature of reality, free even of his own body.

和尚打坐念经的生活对许多习惯快节奏生活的现代都市人来说似乎很遥远。Buddhist monk may seem far-removed from the busy, gadget-packed daily buzz of modern life.

在这个空屋子里,你可以打坐、睡觉、祈祷、写作、健身或者与朋友交谈。In an empty room, you can meditate, sleep, pray, think, compose, do a workout, talk with a friend.