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我对这只柳莺很有兴趣。I am interested with this warbler!

看起来像是只羽毛磨损且正换羽中的极北柳莺。Looks like a worn and moulting Arctic Warbler.

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在阳光明媚的周一,我听到今年第一只棕柳莺的叫声。On blazing Monday I heard the year's first chiffchaff.

柳莺与大白喉莺相似,但体型较小。A willow warbler is similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller.

裸部也符合OBC上的某些欧柳莺,而且对极北柳莺来说是很不寻常。Bare parts fit some Willows on OBC, and would be unusual for Arctic.

极北柳莺会在温暖晴朗的日子鸣唱,包括度冬时和他们迁徙前都会。Arctic Warblers sing on warm sunny days both in winter and before they migrate.

在林木地带发现的雀鸟有各类柳莺、石青、知更鸟、夜莺和山雀。Sightings in wooded areas include warblers, flycatchers, robins, bulbuls and tits.

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即灰头麦鸡、林柳莺和田鸫数量的锐减。The sudden and dramatic decline in the number of lapwings, wood warblers and fieldfares?

在这两张照片中,眉斑看来皆往前延伸到嘴喙的基部,这点便和极北柳莺不同。In both photos, the supercilium appears to reach the bill base, pointing away from Arctic.

第一只是黄眉柳莺,次级飞羽暗色的基部及以黑色为中心的大覆羽留下的选择很少。First warbler Yellow-browed, the dark bases to the secondaries and black-centred greater coverts leave few other options.

我实验性地辨识这只鸟为库页岛柳莺,是根据它还算绿的腰部和尾羽,而且它也有悬勾子般粉红色的脚。I identified that bird tentatively as Sakhalin on the basis of it having a rather green rump and tail and it also having rather raspberry-pink legs.