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远征队员于七月二十二日离开。The expeditioner left on July 22.

又见刘易斯和克拉克远征。See also Lewis and Clark Expedition.

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他是远征队的指挥官。He is the commander of an expedition.

何日平胡虏,良人罢远征。He day Hulu, beloved strike expedition.

他们出发去进行一次危险的远征。They started on a dangerous expedition.

这条船已被派作远征之用。The vessel was assigned for the expedition.

他们为远征治装。They equipped themselves for the expedition.

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这张照片由远征23号机组人员拍摄。The image was taken by the Expedition 24 crew.

我坚持认为这次远征要带适当的食物。I insist on taking proper food for this expection.

那么他第二次远征航行时一共有多少艘船呢?How many ships set sail with his second expedition?

1768年,他最大的运气就是主要的远征回来了。In 1768 his big chance for a major expedition came.

不少远征团出发前,都备好大量肯达尔薄荷饼。A lot of expeditions stock up on that before they go.

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红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。The reds fear expedition difficult, vast wounds only.

然而,这次远征到头来却成了一场可怕的误会。But the expedition turned out to be a terrible mistake.

这个远征队在阿提卡的马拉松附近登陆。This expedition made a landing near Marathon in Attica.

另一些人聚拢在一起,准备再来一次潮汐池远征。Others were gathering a second expedition to the tide pools.

前两次金星远征队里的外星人心理学专家也未获成功。Experts with the previous Venusian expedi tions had also failed.

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在燃烧远征中,这被演绎成被一分为二的银月城。In The Burning Crusade. this translates into a divided Silvermoon.

远征队军中没有一个人会说流利的冰岛语。No one in the expedition was fully fluent in the Icelandic language.

亨特上将在机器人技术远征中与其缔结了一个同盟。Admiral Hunter forged an alliance with during the Robotech Expedition.