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他嗓子眼儿里还是阵阵发紧。The thickness still came in his throat.

他可能抠嗓子眼儿了!Maybe he put his finger down his throat!

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它发生时,我的心激动地悬在了嗓子眼。My heart stopped in my throat as it happened.

我这两天一直发烧,而且嗓子眼疼。These two days, I have had a fever and a throatache.

她伸手去摸油门钥匙,心都跳到嗓子眼上来了。Her heart hammered in her throat as she felt for the key.

但我第一次穿过大运河时,紧张得心脏提到了嗓子眼。But my first crossing of the Grand Canal is a heart-in-mouth moment.

当你害怕或担心,你“心悬到嗓子眼。”When you are frightened or concerned, your "heart is in your mouth."

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心陡然提到了嗓子眼儿,你的司机紧急刹车却已经太晚了。HEARTS lurched into throats. Your correspondent’s driver braked hard.

我吃了一粒,他说了一句逗我笑的话,我开始咳嗽,薄荷糖卡嗓子眼儿里了。He said something that made me laugh, and I began choking on my mint.

我去向老板再要一些钱时心跳到了嗓子眼儿里。I had my heart in my mouth when I went to ask the boss for more money.

过山车到达最高点的时候,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。My heart was in my mouth when I reached the top of the roller coaster.

过山车到达最高点的时候,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。My heart was in my mouth when I reached the top of the roller coaster.

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糟糕!水到我的嗓子眼儿了!我要被淹死了!It's so terrible! Water went down into my throat and I almost got drowned!

所以它们的内脏确实是滑到了嗓子眼,但是这种滑动是可控制的。So, their innards do slide into their throat, but it’s a controlled glide.

试想一下,若你每往前迈一步,肚子里的内脏都会涌到嗓子眼儿,会是个什么感觉?Imagine if before you took each step, your guts lurched up into your throat.

当我看到这个小孩所冒的危险时,心都吊到了嗓子眼儿。My heart flew up into my mouth when I saw the risk that the child was taking.

我的心都被提到了嗓子眼,咱们牢牢地抓住相互的服装不放。My heart was in my mouth, we mentioned on tight each other's clothes don't put.

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我不知道我是否紧张还是激动,但我的心快要跳出嗓子眼。I don't know if I'm nervous or excited, but my heart is about to jump up my throat.

我的心一下子跳到了嗓子眼,对于斯考兹比,下一个要取代的就是他的位置。My heart jumped into my mouth, for Scoresby was the next in line to take his place.

杰克的心提到了嗓子眼儿,他看见他的小狗冲到了马路上一辆汽车的前面。Jack's heart stood still when he saw his pet dog run into the street in front of a car.