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那是他在海滨找到的。He found them on the shore.

我们在海滨渡过了夏天。We summered at the seashore.

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这是上好的海滨浴场。This is a fine bathing beach.

他们在海滨过夏。They summered at the seashore.

我这次去海滨旅行非常愉快。I enjoyed my trip to the coast.

目前在沿海部份地区设为海滨公园。Park was set up along the coast.

沙迦海滨的一座清真寺。A mosque at the Sharjah corniche.

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海滨的细浪刷刷地冲刷着海滨沙滩。Small waves swished on the shore.

海阳是一个美丽的海滨城市!Haiyang is a beautiful beach city!

日落海滨,布鲁姆,澳大利亚。Beach At Sunset, Broome, Australia.

她的骸骨躺在一个海滨之城。Her bones lie in a city by the sea.

布赖顿是著名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a famous seaside resort.

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它出现在漂亮的海滨旁。It appears by beautiful waterfronts.

这是环岛公路沿线的海滨公园。These are some of the seaside parks.

他们走捷径上了海滨。They took a shortcut to go on shore.

她在海滨卖海类贝壳。She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.

要是她在海滨卖海贝。So if she sells shells on the sea-shore.

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那只矶鹞顺着海滨飞走了。The bird went glissading down the beach.

布赖顿是南部地区最着名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a leading south coast resort.

每年夏天我们都到夏威夷的海滨去冲浪。Every summer we surf the beach of Hawaii.