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1979年,民办教师转正开始。In 1979, the work began.


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自今年1月以来,这是CPI首次由负转正。It is the first monthly growth since January.

1994年以后,民办教师转正规模化。After 1994, the work finally ran onto normal route.

党和政府在对待民办教师转正的问题上是严肃地、认真地!The attitude of the Party and the State was serious and conscientious.

虽然你现在只是个临时主帅,但现在球员们现在很明显希望你能转正。As caretaker. The players have made it clear that they want you as permanent manager.

设计了一个套网格的准地转正压模式,对模式的可用性进行了检验。The paper proposes a nested quasi-geostrophic barotropic model with its applicability verified.

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如果你正与一个有实力的客户周旋,在土星于这个夏天转正之前,这个过程可能会进行缓慢。If you're dealing with a powerful client, it may be slow going until Saturn turns direct this summer.

2006年秋天,这个非正式项目转正了。In any case, by the autumn of 2006 the line between unofficial concept and formal project had been crossed.

你可以提供3-6个月的免费劳动,当你觉得他们越来越离不开你的时候再申请转正。Offer to work unpaid for 3-6 months and then push for a job as soon as you feel they can't live without you.

官方公告花了一些时间才出炉,但现在它终于转正了。The official announcement took a little while to come out, but it's now official. As the announcement states

眼下达格利什看来即将转正获得长约,克拉克表示希望继续他俩在安菲尔德的练友之情。With Dalglish looking likely to be handed a long-term deal, Clarke is hopeful their partnership will continue.

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国家统计局新闻发言人表示,CPI由负转正主要是由食品和居住类价格上涨带动的。The rise in commodity prices was mainly brought about by rising food prices and housing costs, NBS spokesman said.

实习期至少为6个月,我们将视实习期的表现为实习生转正为酒店正式员工。At least 6 months traineeship is required, we will consider to transfer to permennant staffs after performance review.

在他们眼中,说“不”真的会毁了实习结束后原本就很渺茫的转正机会。Saying "no", in their minds, is a sure way to ruin their already low chance of getting a job offer at the end of their internship.

菲尔-马洪这几天可高兴坏了,因为国王很可能正式转正并且得到夏季阵容补充的资金。Phil Mahon is excited by the possibilities presented by a Kenny Dalglish permanent deal and some investment in the Liverpool squad.

杂乱的初始几何图形看起来可能会有些混乱,因此,我们将转正检视零件中的个别草图和其他几何图形。The initial jumble of geometry may look a bit confusing, so we will look at the individual sketches and other geometry in the part.

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收到的场合可能是毕业,转正,找到第一份工作,也可能是成年礼。One's first watch is often a gift -- anything from a Timex on up -- received at graduation, confirmation, first job or Bar Mitzvah.

同时氨氮和亚硝氮的去除率由负转正,厌氧氨氧化性能随装置启动运行而逐渐增强。In the mean time, the removal efficiency of ammonia and nitrite were from negative to positive, and the anammox strengthened gradually.

进一步来补正立法,使事实婚姻可以在一定条件下得以转正,从而转换为合法婚姻关系。Further legislation to make corrections, in fact the marriage under certain conditions be positive, thus conversion of legitimate marriage.