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每个买家通过资格预审的。Each buyer is pre-qualified.

这个价格吸引了许多买家。The price lured many buyers.

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我们极力敦促他找到一位买家。We pressed him to get a buyer.

买家分布含栝各种年龄和性别。You've got all ages and genders.

而该品牌买家通常选择现金全款支付。Buyers often pay entirely in cash.

可能两者皆有,所以买家要当心了。It could be both, so buyers beware.

槟城的买家,可以选择面交。For PENANG customer, we can MEET UP.

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经济危机为中国买家打开了开口。The financial crisis provided an opening.

非艺术类奢侈品也吸引了大买家。Non-art luxury items also drew big buyers.

买家收到货品后,请记得回贴报平安哦!After received the item, please inform us !

列下买家要寻找的特征。List the features homebuyers would look for.

但作为一个美国买家,我真的很喜欢中国。But as an American buyer, I really like China.

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我们的买家要你们的价目表或者产品目录。Our buyers ask for your pricelist or catalogue.

想为您的房子上市出售吸引更多的潜在买家?。Do you want your house listing to be sold quicly?

我们已经D2中,大通54提供给潜在的买家。We have D2, JP 54 to offer to prospective buyers.

如果没有B类证券买家,CMBS交易就无法进行。Without B-piece buyers, CMBS deals can't be sold.

让大家知道你也是“旧货买家”。Let people know you’re open to hand-me-downs, too.

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买家首次参观香港贸发局香港国际时尚荟萃?。Buyer would be visiting the fair for the first time?

你们是一手买家,没有其他环节了。You're first-time buyers. There's no chain involved.

这侵害了守法枪支买家的权利?An intrusion on the rights of law-abiding gun buyers?