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但是谁在乎呢?But who cares?

不,谁在乎呢。No, who cares.

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人们在乎“如果”。People care if.

我在乎的是你。I care about you.

我在乎真嗣?I care for Shinji?

以及“我们在乎的是什么“分离开来的?What do we care about?

痴情要为在乎你的人而痴。My best wishes for you!

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“谁在乎呀?”艾比说。"Who cares?" said Abie.

“我在乎,”艾薇塔说。“I care, ” Ivetta said.

更糟糕的是没有人在乎。Worse still, no one cares.

那谁会在乎这是我呢?Then who cares that it's me?

谁最在乎布瑞塔?Who cares most about Britta?

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然后我要说,那谁在乎呢?Then I want to say,who cares?

谁在乎超级富豪?。Who Cares for the Super-rich?

猫和郊狼在乎程度要少很多。Cats and coyotes care much less.

我知道你不会在乎的,吉格。I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig.

谁会在乎泥水池沼在想什么呢?So who cares what the bog thinks?

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塔尼娅我知道你会在乎我。Tanja then I know you until I do.

噢,是的,谁在乎他们说什么。Ohh yeah, who cares what they say?

因为我真的在乎什么人?Because I really cared for someone?