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所以这是氟化氢中的氢氟共价键。And so this is the H-F bond in HF.

他创造了共价键这一概念。And he coined the term covalent bonding.

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他创造出还提出了一个属于有极性共价键“And he coined the term "polar covalency."

共价键的定义是什么?What's the definition of the covalent bond?

但对于共价键就没这么简单了。Well, with covalent bonding, it's not so simple.

这就要归结与共价键。That is what gets crunched down to covalent bonding.

一根共价键中,离子百分数等于。He said that is going to equal one minus the exponential.

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所以我们明白,这是化合物中的共价键。Just so that we are clear, this is the bond in this compound.

然后继续降低,我们就有了通过共价键结合的氢分子。And then even lower down, we have our bonded hydrogen molecule.

而关于共价键最关键的一点就在于共用的概念。And the key word for covalent bonds is the idea of being shared.

特别地,今天我们要专门讲一讲共价键。So specifically, today we're going to talk about covalent bonds.

抗体能通过共价键结合在脂质体颗粒上。Antibody can be linked to liposome particles by covalent binding.

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他有许多著名的发现,其中一个便是共价键。He's famous for a lot of things, one of which is covalent bonding.

构成硅烷烃的是一条硅原子链接形成的主链和以共价键链接在主链上的氢原子。Silanes consist of a chain of silicon atoms covalently bound to hydrogen atoms.

碳化硅是由碳和硅以共价键为主结合而成的化合物,属非氧化物材料。SiC is combined by and Si by covalent bond, Which is a kind of non-oxide materials.

原子对电子的吸引能力,特别是在共价键中。The ability of an atom to attract electrons, and in particular, in a covalent bond.

我想象它们的样子,通过共价键结合的分子链。I'm imagining something like, covalently bonded chains that have links between them.

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那么,这就是我们所应该想到的基本思路,在考虑共价键时。So, that's basically the idea of how we are going to be thinking about covalent bonds.

另一方面,如果我们有一个完美的共价键,有相同程度的电子共享。On the other hand, if we have a perfect covalence bond, we have identical equal sharing.

链炔有一个或超过三个共价键,即碳原子享有三对电子。Alkynes have one or more triple bonds, the carbon atoms sharing three pairs of electrons.