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那就各个击破。Let's divide and conquer.

但和鬼子不能硬拼,要本着诱敌深入,各个击破的原则。But not Yingpin and Guizi, Youdi in-depth, all broken up the principle.

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针对学生的问题,我采取了分阶段侧重解决、各个击破的措施。For students, I adopted a phased solution-oriented, each break measure.

第二等级的思考对于宗教来说是一种威胁,象九柱游戏里的小柱一样把宗教流派各个击破。Grade-two thinking is a menace to religion and knocks down sects like skittles.

我们只有分头围歼,各个击破才能取得这场战役的胜利。Only by surrounding and annihilating separately, conquering one by one, can we win the battle.

这使得伊渥克得以有组织地将小股冲锋队员各个击破。This allowed the Ewoks to systematically wipe out each small group of stormtroopers one by one.

我们的敌人是一个说谎者,一个欺骗者,当我们不团结时,他就会很轻易地把我们各个击破。Our enemy is a liar, a deceiver, and when we're isolated he can break down our defenses and convince us of anything.

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在罗马内战战略战术方面,恺撒善于选择主要突击方向,巧妙地分割敌军,将其各个击破。Civil war strategy and tactics in Rome, Caesar is good at choose major assault direction, cleverly split the enemy, the various will break.

不用逃避战斗,因为他们似乎对你无所谓。一大批孢子植物时,你可以各个击破它们并得到一些经验值!Don't flee battles just because they seem pointless to you. A horde of spore plants when you can shoot two targeted shots per round is still good xp!

尽管在法兰西面前强敌林立,但是他们只要各个击破,欧洲将臣服于“恺撒之子”波拿巴的脚下。France, therefore, faces many rivals. But if they can be isolated and removed one by one, then Europe really will know peace, under Bonaparte, the heir to Caesar!

美国在东南亚影响力的全盛时期已过,而中国的势力正在崛起,如此境况之下,东南亚国家日渐选择互相协调来缓和中国各个击破策略。As the United States' power in Southeast Asia passes its prime and China's rises, states in the region are increasingly cooperating with one another to mitigate Beijing's divide-and-conquer strategy.