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但一定会有一件白色的大褂。And almost certainly a white lab coat.

把这件大褂给孩子们做两件上衣。Make two children's jackets out of this gown.

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把这件大褂给孩子们毁两件上衣。Make two children's jackets out of this gown.

身穿医生大褂的凯利医生来到病房看她。Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her.

我赶忙用围裙换下了他的大褂,这才算准备完毕。Once I've replaced his jacket with an apron, I'm ready to go.

一个穿白大褂的中年妇女立刻打开了门。A middle-aged woman in a white lab coat opened it immediately.

医院里的医生在他平常穿的衣服外边罩一件大褂。The doctor in the hospital wore a gown over his ordinary clothes.

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不过我还是从一位穿白大褂的护士口中间接了解到一些情况。But I managed to get a few furtive words outside from one white-coated assistant.

我知道有好些药剂师喜欢穿大褂,就为了显得专业。I know a lot of pharmacists wear a coat because it makes you look more professional.

凯瑟琳向后抽出手臂,实验室大褂从身上滑落下来,她挣脱了束缚。Katherine threw her arms backward, slithering out of her lab coat and slipping free.

这里大褂没有其他人能比他更好的思考文化变迁带来的意义,好?Perhaps there is no one better to contemplate the meaning of cultural change -- bad?

晚上他起来了,光着脚,像原来那样,穿着医院里的大褂,走出病房。In the evening he got up and, barefoot, just as he was, in his hospital gown, walked out.

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他身穿大褂,头戴呢帽,这种装束在这一带农村地区显得很不协调。Dressed in a long gown and fedora hat he looked quite out of place in these country regions.

那情形就像一群穿白大褂的巴尔扎克一举横扫了大学院系和实验室。It was as though an army of white-coated Balzacs had stormed the university departments and labs.

他黝黑的皮肤和纯白的厨师大褂对比鲜明地撞进我的眼里,还有他将水果切成薄片时优雅的动作。I took in the contrast between his dark skin and white chef's coat, the graceful way he sliced the fruit.

这里大褂没有其他人能比他更好的思考文化变迁带来的意义,好?坏?太慢?Perhaps there is no one better to contemplate the meaning of cultural change -- bad? good? too slow? too bold?

电视画面上,总统两旁站着若干穿白大褂的工人以及管理人员,没几个比他高的。He stood before the cameras flanked by white-coated workers and suited executives, very few of whom were taller than him.

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实验室老鼠没有任何天敌,除了那些穿白大褂的医生,它们可以最多可以活1000多天。Laboratory mice, which have no predators other than the white-coated variety, live for a maximum of just over 1,000 days.

当几位监督人员进入一楼时,两位身穿蓝色大褂的“医生”正在给一位老人看牙。When several supervisors enter a building, two wear the blue color long unlined gown "doctor" to look at the tooth for an old person.

每一辆车都需要被拉进测量站,在那里身着实验室大褂的技术人员用移液器和温度计测量燃料使用情况。Each car pulls up to a measuring station where technicians in lab coats use pipettes and thermometers to measure the amount of fuel used.