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录像机定时与控制?。VTAC? Video Timing And Control?

真的?但你没有录像机。Really.But you don't have a VCR.

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这个录像机对我来说是太复杂了。This VCR is too complicated for me!

由于有了录像机,这不再是个问题。Thanks to VCRs, that's no longer a problem.

随后他进入了正在增长的家用录像机市场。He then entered the growing home-video market.

你弄清楚如何操作录像机了吗?Have you fathomed out how to work the video yet?

他按要求的时间预先把录像机调好。He preset the video recorder at the desired time.

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在录像机刚刚发明时,好莱坞甚至想起诉录像机的制造商,因为他们太怕盗版了。They were even considering suing the VCR producers.

这里有一个关于录像机的案例。That was the case with VCRs, Video cassette Recorders.

艾莫斯问妈妈他们是否能买一台录像机。Amoss asked his mother whether they could have a video.

松下电器的蓝光光盘录像机为何不带硬盘?。What not use HD in Blu-ray video recorder of Panasinco?

多功能录像机一直在市场走俏。Multifunctional videorecorders have enjoyed brick sales.

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罗宾问妈妈他们是否能买一台录像机。Robbin asked his mother whether they could have a video.

道格特从录像机中退出了带子看着它。DOGGETT ejects the tape out of the recorder and looks at it.

这台录像机已调好在9点钟自动开机。The video is programmed to switch itself on at nine o'clock.

我经常把东西蒂沃到我那台华纳数码视频录像机里面。I TiVo stuff on my piece of junk Time Warner DVR all the time.

第一批商用卡式录像机是在1969年由索尼公司推出。The first commercial VCRs were marketed by Sony Corp. in 1969.

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如何连接蓝光DVD播放到DirecTV的高清硬盘录像机。How to connect the Blu-ray DVD player for high-definition DVR Direct.

家庭录像机把电影带进家中,使人们不再去电影院。The VHS player brought movies to people who'd stopped going to movies.

这是一个双调谐器,数字录像机和160GB硬盘。This is a double tuner, a digital video recorder and hard drive 160GB.