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里面有红枣和枸杞子。It has jujube and medlar.

枸杞子能补肝肾。Chinese Wolfberry nourishes the liver and kidney.

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听大人们说,这就是我们常说的枸杞子。To listen to adults, this is what we often say medlar.

金银花、百合、玉竹、山药、苦瓜、葛根、枸杞子、桑椹等。Kudzuvine Root, Lycium Fruit, Mulberry Fruit, and so on.

枸杞子可以泡茶喝,有很强的药用价值。Medlar can be drinking tea, have a strong medicinal value.

枸杞子可以泡茶喝,有很强的药用价值。Wolfberry can make tea to drink, have a strong medicinal value.

加入四份苹果汁、一份枸杞子汁、一份樱桃或葡萄汁。Mix 4 parts apple juice, 1 part goji juice, and one part cherry or grape juice.

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烧开4碗水,将肉片、枸杞子及姜片同放入锅内煮至肉片全熟。Boil 4 bowls of water, put pork slices and medlar into wok, boil until pork slices done.

方剂的核心药物为熟地黄、枸杞子、茯苓、当归、菟丝子、川芎、山药。The core prescription drugs rehmannia, wolfberry fruit, Poria, Angelica, Semen, Chuan Xiong, yam.

珍珠、玫瑰花、枸杞子、阿胶、茯苓、黄精等。Pearl, Roes, Lycium Fruit, Donkey-Hide Gelatin, Tuckahoe, Manyflower Solomonseal Rhizome, and so on.

有结果显示枸杞子汁有增强机体能量,提高睡眠质量等其他许多有益身体健康的好处。Goji juice has been shown to improve energy, give better sleep, and a variety of other health benefits.

枸杞子则是滋补肝肾的佳品,也是美容药膳中常用的原料。Medlar is to share and nourish liver and kidney, but also the raw materials commonly used in cosmetic Diet.

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研究了影响低糖枸杞子果酱色泽褐变的诸因素。Varieties of factors that influenced the low-sugar jam of the fruit of Chinese wolfberry browning were studied.

综述枸杞多糖在枸杞子中的含量及其分析方法、枸杞多糖的化学成分和药理作用。The content of lycium barbarum polysaccharides in medlar, chemical component, and pharmacology effect were summarized.

目的观察复方枸杞子口服液经灌胃对大鼠的生殖毒性和胚胎致畸作用。Objective To observe reproductive toxicity and teratogenicity of compound medlar oral solution in rats by intragastric administration.

本文以枸杞子、黄芪为主要原料,采用传统制剂工艺和现代科学方法研制成具有营养保健等功能的杞芪口服液。By means of both traditional and modern scientific methods, the "Qiqi oral liquid", which is made up of Gouqizi and Huangqi, was prepared.

百合、佛手、酸枣仁、枸杞子、桑椹子、龙眼肉、荷叶、鸡内金等。Lancelesf Lily Bulb, Finger Citron, Sour Date Seed, Lycium Fruit, Mulberry Fruit, Longan Fruit, Lotus Leaf, Chickens Gizzard-membrane, and so on.

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此外,蜂蜜、海蜇、海参、茭白、芹菜、醋、枸杞子、荸荠等对降血压有一定作用。In addition, honey, jellyfish, holothurian, wild rice stem, celery, vinegar, medlar , water chest nut to falling blood pressure has certain effect.

目的本实验观察枸杞子水煎液对小鼠耐寒冷、耐缺氧和游泳耐疲劳的影响。Objective We observe the effects of decocted wolfberry fruit water on the rats cryotolerance, oxytolerance and tolerance to fatigue due to swimming.

其配方主要包含以下组分,羊胎盘干燥粉末、山药、谷芽、肉苁蓉、枸杞子、复盆子、车前子。The processing method includes washing and cleaning the sheep placenta, then dried and ground into powder, which is sterilized, by peroxyacetic acid.